Total current arrears owed to Child Support by Australian Parents
Dear Australian Bureau of Statistics,
I am a Journalism student at Macleay College. I respectfully request access under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 to the total amount of Child Support arrears owed by paying parents in Australia. Could you also please itemize a breakdown of arrears in each state currently outstanding as of June 10th 2015?
Yours faithfully,
Olivia Grace-Curran
Dear Olivia,
In response to your FOI request received on 10 June 2015, please find
attached the formal response from the ABS.
Should you have any questions regarding this please feel free to contact
the ABS FOI Contact Officer on: 02 6252 7203 or email:
[1][ABS request email]
Wolfgang Hertel
FOI Officer | Australian Bureau of Statistics
(P) (02) 6252 7883
(E) [2][email address] (W) [3]
For information about how the ABS' handles personal information please see
our [4]Privacy Policy.
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