The specific reasons why my travel exemption was refused

SHAOXIONG ZENG made this Freedom of Information request to Australian Border Force

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was refused by Australian Border Force.

Dear Australian Border Force,
My name is SHAOXIONG ZENG, I am partner of an Australian citizen.
I have applied for the exemption as an immediate family member.
We are in a quite urgent case.
I am very confused about the outcome email you sent to me the other day (case No: TER0723977)
Cause I have presented evidence about finance,social,household and commitment about our relationship,according to your requirements and instructions from your website
I just want to know what is wrong and what kind of information you need to make you believe my wife and I are in genuine relationship?
We just want specific reasons and instructions to guide us what we can do.Not a template that always the same and make us confused and hopeless.

Yours faithfully,


FOI, Australian Border Force

** This is an automated response. Please do not reply to this email **




Your email has been received by the Department of Home Affairs Freedom of
Information (FOI) Section.


The FOI section only responds to valid FOI requests and other matters
relating to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act).  Visit the
FOI Information on our Website for more information on what [1]information
can be accessed under the FOI Act 1982.


What is a valid FOI request?


A valid FOI request may be for:

- documents you previously provided to the Department as part of a visa

- a copy of a decision record made by the Department

- statistical information held by the Department

- papers or briefings the Department prepared.


If your email is a valid FOI request, the Department will contact you
shortly to acknowledge your request.


A valid FOI request must:

o Be in writing and state the request is for consideration under the FOI
o Have enough information for us to be able to identify the documents
you are seeking.
o Provide a physical or electronic address where we can send our


Do not send duplicate emails as this may cause longer delays in processing


What is an invalid FOI request?


Invalid FOI requests may include:

- Making a visa application

- Seeking evidence of your Australian Citizenship

- Seeking information about traveling to or departing Australia.


If your email is not specific an FOI request or FOI related matter, the
FOI section will not respond.


What happens next?

Once we receive and have registered your FOI request, we will send you an
acknowledgment letter by email. Read the acknowledgment letter carefully
for further instructions.


FOI requests are generally processed in the order they are received.


We will contact you as soon as the Department has assessed your request
under the FOI Act.


We’re responding to a large volume of requests

Due to the current high volume of requests, we will not provide progress
up-dates on current FOI requests.  This is to ensure we are able to
process as many requests as possible, including yours.


If processing your request is going to take us a lot of time and because
it is large or unspecific, it may be refused.  


Still have a question or request?

If you still have a question, which has not been answered above, and which
is about the work of the Department, use our general enquiries web page



You may be able to resolve your enquiry faster using these other resources


We only action and respond to FOI requests that are valid under the
Freedom of Information Act 1982. You may be able to resolve your enquiry
faster by using these resources:


General information about travelling to Australia:


The Department of Home Affairs, “Entering Australia” site


·       For visa and our requirements for entry to Australia

For a copy of your visa refusal or visa grant letter you should contact
the office where you lodged your visa application. 

·       To check your current visa details and conditions use the
Department’s Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO) portal which can
be accessed [5]here

·       If you are experiencing technical difficulties in lodging your
visa application through ImmiAccount, submit your concerns through the
ImmiAccount Technical Support Form, which is accessible [6]here.

·       For evidence of your Australian Citizenship please refer [7]here.
The FOI Section does not process these requests.

·       For movement records or travel history complete the online
International Movement Records form [8]here. The FOI Section does not
process these requests.

·       To update your details, including your Passport details, you can
notify the Department [9]here. The FOI Section does not process these



We appreciate your feedback         

We appreciate your feedback to help improve our services.


If you would like to provide feedback to us please use our Compliments,
complaints and suggestions form.



Thank you

Information updated 11 January 2022


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the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you have received
this email by mistake, please advise the sender and delete the message and
attachments immediately.  This email, including attachments, may contain
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Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of this information
by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. 
The Department of Home Affairs and ABF respect your privacy and have
obligations under the Privacy Act 1988.  

Unsolicited commercial emails MUST NOT be sent to the originator of this


Visible links

FOI VIC, Australian Border Force

OFFICIAL: Sensitive


11 February 2022


Mr Shaoxiong ZENG


Email: [1][FOI #8370 email]



In reply please quote:

Client Name:   Shaoxiong ZENG

Date of Birth:   21 June 1994

Client ID:         43236676274

FOI Request:   FA 22/02/00510

File Number:   OBJ2022/3285



Dear Mr ZENG


Acknowledgement of Freedom of Information Access request


This letter refers to an access request received by the Department of Home
Affairs (‘the Department’) under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the
FOI Act) on 5 February 2022, seeking access to:


Initial scope:

My name is SHAOXIONG ZENG, I am partner of an Australian citizen. I have
applied for the exemption as an immediate family member. We are in a quite
urgent case. I am very confused about the outcome email you sent to me the
other day (case No: TER0723977) Cause I have presented evidence about
finance, social, household and commitment about our relationship,
according to your requirements and instructions from your website. I just
want to know what is wrong and what kind of information you need to make
you believe my wife and I are in genuine relationship? We just want
specific reasons and instructions to guide us what we can do. Not a
template that always the same and make us confused and hopeless.


Interpreted scope:

The Department has interpreted the scope of your request as:  "Further
documentation of Refusal or TER0723977"


Your request has been allocated FOI request number FA 22/02/00510. Please
include your FOI request number in all correspondence with the Freedom of
Information (FOI) Section.


COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) has been declared a pandemic by the World Health
Organisation. As the Department focuses its efforts on managing the impact
of COVID-19 on its critical services and employees, other non-critical
services may not be delivered within expected timeframes. We apologise for
the inconvenience and appreciate your patience during this period.


Staff and Contractor Names

The Department’s policy is to consider irrelevant to the scope of your
request the personal details of staff and contractors in all Australian
government agencies. This includes their names, email addresses, mobile
and direct work telephone numbers. This material will therefore be removed
under s 22 (1)(a)(ii) of the FOI Act from the documents that form the
scope of your request, unless you advise us otherwise (within seven days
from the date of this letter).


Duplicate documents

If the FOI decision-maker deems a document to be a duplicate, they will
not assess those pages as part of your FOI request. This means that if a
there is a decision to release the document to you, you will receive only
one copy, even if multiple copies of that document exists.


Timeframe for request

The statutory timeframe provided under the FOI Act for processing requests
is a standard 30 calendar days. FOI requests will generally be processed
in the order that they are received. Information regarding your review
rights in relation to your request including processing timeframes are
available at the website of the Office of the Australian Information


Contacting the FOI Section

If you wish to discuss your access request, you may contact the FOI
Section using the details provided below.


Contacting the Department

You can contact us with an enquiry in a number of ways including by email,
through our website; by telephone, through our Service Centres or offices
around the world, or in person. In Australia you can call 13 18 81 between
8:30 am and 4:30 pm Monday to Friday. Details on submitting a webform, or
contacting our offices outside Australia are available on our website at



Yours sincerely



Position Number: 60016820

Authorised FOI Officer

FOI and Records Management Branch | Data Division

Strategy and National Resilience Group

Department Of Home Affairs

E: [4][email address]

OFFICIAL: Sensitive



Important Notice: The content of this email is intended only for use by
the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you have received
this email by mistake, please advise the sender and delete the message and
attachments immediately.  This email, including attachments, may contain
confidential, sensitive, legally privileged and/or copyright information.

Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of this information
by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. 
The Department of Home Affairs and ABF respect your privacy and have
obligations under the Privacy Act 1988.  

Unsolicited commercial emails MUST NOT be sent to the originator of this


Visible links
1. mailto:[FOI #8370 email]
4. mailto:[email address]

FOI VIC, Australian Border Force

OFFICIAL: Sensitive

23 February 2022


Mr Shaoxiong ZENG


Email: [1][FOI #8370 email]


In reply please quote:

Client Name:   Shaoxiong ZENG

Date of Birth:   21 June 1994

Client ID:         43236676274

FOI Request:   FA 22/02/00510

File Number:   OBJ2022/3285



Dear Mr ZENG


Freedom of Information request – Notification of withdrawal of Access

This letter refers to an access request received under the Freedom of
Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act) received on 5 February 2022.


You requested access to the following information:


Initial scope:

My name is SHAOXIONG ZENG, I am partner of an Australian citizen. I have
applied for the exemption as an immediate family member. We are in a quite
urgent case. I am very confused about the outcome email you sent to me the
other day (case No: TER0723977) Cause I have presented evidence about
finance, social, household and commitment about our relationship,
according to your requirements and instructions from your website. I just
want to know what is wrong and what kind of information you need to make
you believe my wife and I are in genuine relationship? We just want
specific reasons and instructions to guide us what we can do. Not a
template that always the same and make us confused and hopeless.


Interpreted scope:

The Department has interpreted the scope of your request as:  "Further
documentation of Refusal or TER0723977"


On 16 February 2022 correspondence was received from you in which you
advised that you wished to withdraw your request.


This request has been finalised in line with your correspondence. No
further action will be taken on this request. You may lodge a new request
for access at any time.


Contacting the FOI Section

If you wish to discuss this matter, I can be contacted using the details
provided below.


How to make a complaint about the handling of your FOI request

You may complain to the Australian Information Commissioner if you have
concerns about how the department has handled your request under the FOI


Your complaint must be in writing and must specify the agency you are
complaining about. You can send your complaint to the Australian
Information commissioner using the details that follow:


Post                 GPO Box 5218

                                    SYDNEY NSW 2001 


Email               [email address]

Fax                  +61 2 9284 9666

In person         Level 3, 175 Pitt Street SYDNEY NSW


A complaint form is also available at [2]


Client service information

Information about our Client Service Charter and how to make a compliment,
complaint or suggestion, is included in the Client Service Information


Contacting the department

You can contact us with a general enquiry in a number of ways including by
email, through our website, by telephone through our Service Centres or
offices around the world, or in person. In Australia you can call 13 18 81
between 9 am and 4 pm Monday to Friday. Details on contacting our offices
outside Australia are available on our website at



Yours sincerely



Position Number 60016821

FOI and Records Management Branch | Data Division

Strategy and National Resilience Group

Department of Home Affairs

E: [3][email address]









OFFICIAL: Sensitive



Important Notice: The content of this email is intended only for use by
the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you have received
this email by mistake, please advise the sender and delete the message and
attachments immediately.  This email, including attachments, may contain
confidential, sensitive, legally privileged and/or copyright information.

Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of this information
by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. 
The Department of Home Affairs and ABF respect your privacy and have
obligations under the Privacy Act 1988.  

Unsolicited commercial emails MUST NOT be sent to the originator of this


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1. mailto:[FOI #8370 email]
3. mailto:[email address]