We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Leivett Reynolds please sign in and let everyone know.

The Number of appeal applications received from ratepayers charged with failing to comply with Fire prevention notice - offence code 91 (3581)- from date 1st November 2021 to 15th February 2023

Leivett Reynolds made this Freedom of Information request to Hume City Council

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

We're waiting for Leivett Reynolds to read recent responses and update the status.

Dear Hume City Council,

I would like to request the Number of appeal applications received by you, from ratepayers charged with failing to comply with Fire prevention notice - offence code 91 (3581)- from date 1st November 2021 to 15th February 2023

Yours faithfully,

Leivett Reynolds

Email, Hume City Council

Thank you for contacting Hume City Council. We have received your inquiry.
If your matter is urgent, please contact Customer Service on 9205 2200.
When to expect a response
For general enquires, an initial response can be expected within 3‒5
business days. Specific enquiries will be directed to the relevant
department and will be responded to within 10 working days.
Online payments and building and planning applications
You can make a range of payments online as well as submit a number of
application requests through our [1]online portal. To submit a building or
planning lodgement or application, you will need to [2]register an account
with us. Once registered you can apply and pay online. You do not need to
register an account to make payments such as animal registration, rates
and preschool/activity group payments.  
Visit the [3]Hume City Council website for general information or call us
on 9205 2200 between 8am-5pm Monday to Friday.
Thank you for your enquiry,
Hume City Council
PO Box 119 Dallas Vic 3047  
Phone: 9205 2200
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Visible links
1. https://www.hume.vic.gov.au/Your-Service...
2. https://ehume.hume.vic.gov.au/T1PRProd/W...
3. http://www.hume.vic.gov.au/
4. http://www.hume.vic.gov.au/
5. https://www.hume.vic.gov.au/Your-Council...

Email, Hume City Council

2 Attachments

Dear Leivett Reynolds,


I refer to your Freedom of Information request received on 16 February


A request made under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 must be for
information contained in documents.


I note you have requested information as opposed to documents.
Specifically, you requested “the Number of appeal applications received by
you, from ratepayers charged with failing to comply with Fire prevention
notice - offence code 91 (3581)- from date 1st November 2021 to 15th
February 2023”.


Notwithstanding the above and in response to your request for information,
I confirm that Council has received 25 applications for review of “Fail to
comply with Fire Prevention Notices” infringements under the Fire Rescue
Victoria Act offence code 91 from 1 November 2021 to 15 February 2023.


Kind regards





       Governance Department, 4th Floor, Hume City Council
       1079 Pascoe Vale Road Broadmeadows Vic 3047
       PO Box 119 Dallas Vic 3047
       Phone 9205 2200  











show quoted sections

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Leivett Reynolds please sign in and let everyone know.