Taxpayer Costings
Dear Treasurer,
Could you please supply the annual cost to the taxpayer for the salaries and benefits of Politicians past and present?
Yours faithfully,
Chris Saunders
Dear Mr Saunders
We acknowledge your email to the Treasurer’s Office of 11 July 2013 in
which you sought access to documents under the Freedom of Information Act
1982 (the Act), in particular:
‘Could you please supply the annual cost to the taxpayer
for the salaries and benefits of Politicians past and present.’
The type of information that you have requested is unlikely to be held by
the Treasury or Treasurer’s Office. Information on the salaries and costs
of benefits (or entitlements) of politicians is publicly available.
The salaries of politicians are paid by the Department of the House of
Representatives and the Department of the Senate. Further information on
politicians’ salaries can be found here:
Information on the entitlements of current and former politicians can be
found on the Department of Finance and Deregulation’s website:
· the cost of each individual politician’s and former politician’s
entitlements are reported on a six monthly basis and available at
· other related information on support for parliamentarians can be
found in the department’s annual reports (under Outcome 3) at
We trust the above information is of assistance. We would be grateful if
you could please confirm whether you still wish to proceed with your FOI
request by Friday, 26 July.
Kind regards
FOI Team
Parliamentary and Legal Services Unit
Ministerial Communications Division
The Treasury, Langton Crescent, Parkes ACT 2600
phone: (02) 6263 2800
email: [4][email address]
Visible links
4. mailto:[email address]
Dear FOI,
Thanks for all your help and I will follow everything I want to know up with the assistance of the links you provided in your reply, so I hereby wish to withdraw my original request. Thank you all for your assistance.
Yours sincerely,
Christopher John Saunders