System glitches when processing super rollover requests

Nicole Hallahan made this Freedom of Information request to Australian Taxation Office

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was refused by Australian Taxation Office.

Nicole Hallahan

Dear Australian Taxation Office,

I have experienced a glitch on the MyGov/ATO linked website whereby a request to rollover my superannuation funds into a single account was erroneously processed, resulting in my funds being stuck on a "transfer pending" status for 18 months. I have reason to believe that the fault lay with the ATO's automated system and not the super fund, who have repeatedly denied that they received any request on my behalf. Despite continued conversations with many different ATO customer service and complaints officers, I am no closer to reaching a resolution or explanation for the problem. I believe that issues of transparency and timely resolution of complaints are of concern to the wider public. I would therefore like to request under the FOI Act:

1. Statistics relating to complaints handling within the ATO (the last 2 years as a minimum) that specifically show the time-frames within which claims are successfully resolved.

2. The ATO's response to the Commonwealth and Taxation Ombudsman’s report "Own motion investigation into Australian Taxation Office (ATO) complaint handling" (2003).

3. Issues that have been identified with automated systems relating to the ATO super consolidation / rollover request feature linked to the MyGov website.

4. Actions that have been taken to rectify any issues identified in these automated systems.

Kind regards,

Nicole Hallahan

FOI, Australian Taxation Office

1 Attachment


Dear FOI Applicant,




Please see attachment.




Yours faithfully,




FOI Team



show quoted sections

FOI, Australian Taxation Office


Dear Applicant



Thank you for your FOI request of 13 August 2020.


In relation to point 1 of your FOI request, can you please confirm:


 1. if your request for statistics relating to complaints handing within
the ATO is specifically in relation ATO super consolidation/rollover
only or, are you seeking statistics relating to all types of


 2. where you refer to “claims” that you mean ‘complaints’?


 3. if you seek statistics relating to the time-frame in which complaints
are successfully resolved (i.e. where the complaint has been upheld)
only, and excluding those statistics where the complaint has not been


 4. if you require statistics for the previous two years only or, if you
require documents over a longer time period. If you require documents
over a longer time period, please specify the complete time period you
require the documents.




Yours faithfully,




FOI team


show quoted sections

FOI, Australian Taxation Office


Dear Applicant



We refer to your FOI request made on 13 August 2020.


We also refer to our correspondence of 2 September 2020 seeking
clarification on point 1 of your FOI request.

The matter is due Monday, 14 September 2020. However, we require further
time to consider your FOI request.

Additionally, we would like still like to clarify with you, what
information you are seeking in relation to point 1 of your FOI request.   

Would you consent to an extension of time under section 15AA of the FOI
Act for a further 30 days? The process is not likely to take the full 30
days and we will of course endeavour to provide you with a decision at an
earlier date if possible.

If you agree to this extension of time, could you please respond by return
email by close of business, Friday 11 September 2020 confirming your



Yours faithfully,




FOI team


show quoted sections

Dear FOI team,

Apologies for the delay in my response. To answer the questions laid out in your Sept 2 response:

1. I am seeking statistics in relation to complaints in general, not only specifically in relation to superannuation.

2. By "claims" I did mean "complaints"

3. I would like statistics for both upheld complaints, and those that were not upheld.

4. 2 years would be sufficient, however if statistics are more readily available for a wider period of time that is also acceptable.

I consent to an extension of 30 days for a response.

Yours sincerely,

Nicole Hallahan

FOI, Australian Taxation Office

1 Attachment

Dear FOI Applicant,
Please see attachment.
Yours faithfully,
FOI Team

show quoted sections