Switching on Darwin
Dear City of Darwin Council,
I make a request under the Freedom Of Information Act 1982 for all documents computer generated or otherwise pertaining to Switching on Darwin, including all documents and communications regarding any companies contracted to install any technology and infrastructure (including CCTV cameras and publicly available WI-FI) as part of Switching on Darwin.
I seek all documents related to dissagregated information collected and stored by any technology installed as part of Switching on Darwin (including from installed CCTV cameras and publicly available WI-FI)
I also seek all documents relating third party sharing of the information from these technologies dissagregated or otherwise with law enforcement agencies, City councils, government agencies or any other orginisations.
I also request all documents (including emails, spendings etc) regarding the council members’ trip to China to attend the Smart Cities forum organised by Huawei.
I also request all document relating to the free WI-FI installed as part of Switching on Darwin, including what data is collected on users, the sharing of that information with third parties (including law enforcement agencies) as well as a copy of the terms and conditions that public WI-FI users agree to.
I request all documents relating to the use of artificial intelligence as part of Switching on Darwin and the introduction of virtual fencing utilising CCTV (including where and when ‘virtual fences’ will be established, how the ‘virtual fences’ work, under what circumstances law enforcement agencies will be permitted to access information from CCTV cameras and how police will know if someone has crossed a ‘virtual fence.’) I request any information regarding the circumstances that allow council to set up ‘virtual fence’ and what type of individuals would set off an alert if they crossed them.
Yours faithfully,
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Hi Amber
Under legislation you have to complete the attached form and there is a $30 application fee.
You can pay the fee over the phone or you can send in your card details with the application.
Kind Regards
CIVIC CENTRE Harry Chan Avenue | GPO Box 84 Darwin NT 0801
P 08 8930 0533 | F 08 8930 0311
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