- all requests
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- unresolved requests
The maximum length of time that a red light stop signal can be set to.
Response by VicRoads to Scott, of the family Chapman on .
Awaiting classification.
Our ref: CS016311
Hi Scott,
Thank you for contacting the Freedom of Information unit.
Thank you for contacting the Freedom of Information team. To p...
Information on DPT traffic signal sequence victoria street abbotsford job number 502937812
Awaiting classification.
Good morning,
The Freedom of Information Act 1982 requires all applicants to pay an application fee of $32.70. Payment can be made online via https:/...
notice ,
the question has not been answered , the whole or main point of the question is what authority is alleging that a man needs to hold a d...
Style guide/Corporate branding manual
Response by VicRoads to Jasper Kirkwood on .
Waiting clarification.
Good morning,
The Freedom of Information Act 1982 requires all applicants to pay an application fee of $30.60. Payment can be made online via https:/...
Number of cars fined since removal of rego stickers
Response by VicRoads to Daniel Ball on .
Waiting clarification.
Good morning,
The Freedom of Information Act 1982 requires all applicants to pay an application fee of $31.80. Payment can be made online via online.f...
Digital Drivers License system design and privacy
Response by VicRoads to Mark Nottingham on .
Dear Mark,
Please see attached the notice of decision and documents released in
response to your FOI request.
Apologies for the delays in...
I require to know which authority is alleging that a man needs to hold a Victorian drivers licence to travel . Travel from point a to point b in an a...
Good afternoon,
The Freedom of Information Act 1982 requires all applicants to pay an application fee of $30.60. Payment can be made online via https:...
Most recent road condition data for the Barwon South West Region
Response by VicRoads to Trevor Greenberger on .
Waiting clarification.
Hi Trevor,
The Freedom of Information Act 1982 requires all applicants to pay an application fee of $29.60. Payment can be made via https://online.fo...
Vehicle counts on Ghazeepore road, waurn ponds, 3216
Response by VicRoads to Ross Carlson on .
Dear Mr Carlson,
We have already provided you a weblink before to submit your FOI request and pay for it online.
'Right to Know' website has hidden o...
How many people are affected by the new license requirements for overseas license holders.
1. Historical average of license tests conducted annually are as follows.
2016 154,766
2017 152,833
2018 156,502
Average 154,700
(2). Vicroads e...
Dear Sir/Madam,
The information you have requested is available outside of FOI process for a fee at the link attached below:
Request copy of orinigal transfer document for sale of my car
Response by VicRoads to Simon Demarco on .
Dear Mr Demarco,
I note that we are still to hear from you in relation to your request. Can
you please contact this office on 03 9854 1982.
This FOI Request has been finalised as of 5 May 2017 after the applicant made a FOI Request directly to VicRoads.
Road access for land development at 112 – 116 Anderson Road, Sunshine
Handled by postal mail.
This FOI Request has been finalised as of 16 March 2017 after the applicant made a FOI Request directly to VicRoads.
Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?