Dear Blacktown City Council,

I have an ongoing development at my house (family extension). My plumber was about to connect downpipes to stormwater drainage however he is not able to locate the connection point. He then dug existing downpipes to trace where it is going however to our surprise is not connected at all, water is just draining underneath the soil. The original builder did a dodgy job!
I asked my plumber to dig more to find and locate the main connection point to stormwater pipe from easement, but he told me it will just be a waste of time and money as it seems like that connection point is non-existing at all (based on other downpipes not connected too). He told the only solution now would be to create and build a new stormwater system which would cost me thousands of dollars.
Can you please advise on this?

Yours faithfully,

Blacktown Council, Blacktown City Council

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David Yee, Blacktown City Council

Dear Roldan

In order to direct your enquiry to the appropriate officer, we need to know the address of the property in question.


David Yee
Senior Coordinator Engineering Approvals
9839 6000
PO Box 63 Blacktown NSW 2148
We acknowledge the Darug as the
First People of the Blacktown City region
Follow us on social media

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Dear David Yee,

My address is 46 Willis St Rooty Hill.
Upon checking other documents I have on my property, it seems like I have an easement at the back. I need to know the size of the pipe as well as how deep is the pipe buried to the ground to get my plumber to access it and connect downpipes to easement.

Yours sincerely,


David Yee, Blacktown City Council

Hi Roldan

There is a private 1.2m wide inter-allotment drainage easement along the rear boundary of your property constructed in the late 1990's. Council does not have detailed records on the works done within these easements.

However, pipe line is most likely either a 100mm or 150mm diameter pipe line and will be located within in the easement. The pipe should be centrally located in the easement and approx. 0.6-1.0m deep. If surface levels have been altered since the original subdivision then the depth may different.

If you have any further queries I recommend you contact council's customer service centre on 5300 6000 and ask to speak with the duty engineer.


David Yee
Senior Coordinator Engineering Approvals
9839 6000
PO Box 63 Blacktown NSW 2148
We acknowledge the Darug as the
First People of the Blacktown City region
Follow us on social media

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Dear David Yee,

Thanks for the info, it was very helpful.

Yours sincerely,
