Statistics on Time to Repair

Steven Roddis made this Freedom of Information request to Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission did not have the information requested.

Dear Australian Competition and Consumer Commission,


Specifically this paragraph:

"If the business fails to give you a free repair within a reasonable time or cannot fix your problem, you can:

get it done elsewhere and pass on the costs to the business
ask for a replacement
ask for a refund
recover compensation for the drop in value below the price paid."

Request: Documents relating to statistics on repairs related to the Consumer Guarantees about the length of time taken to repair and, if possible, whether or not it was considered reasonable either by the consumer, the business, ACCC a court or other.


* The actual statistics or data (timeframe: 2018-today), failing this
* Documents pertaining to the existence (or lack there of) of such statistics or data, eg requests for data. (No time bounds)

Yours faithfully,

Steven Roddis

FOI, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

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FOI, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission




Dear Mr Roddis,


I refer to your email of 27 July 2022 in which you request access, under
the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) (FOI Act), to:


‘Documents relating to statistics on repairs related to the Consumer
Guarantees about the length of time taken to repair and, if possible,
whether or not it was considered reasonable either by the consumer, the
business, ACCC a court or other.




* The actual statistics or data (timeframe: 2018-today), failing this

* Documents pertaining to the existence (or lack there of) of such
statistics or data, eg requests for data. (No time bounds)’


The right of access under the FOI Act is to existing documents, rather
than to information. The FOI Act does not require the ACCC to create a new
document in response to a FOI request, unless we have the requested
material in a computer database which can be printed into documentary


Our databases do not specifically capture the length of time for repairs
under consumer guarantees so we are not able to provide such data or
statistics to you, either in documentary form or otherwise.


However, we can release to you outside the FOI process that, in the period
1 January 2018 to 30 July 2022, the ACCC received around 48,000 reports in
relation to consumer guarantees that refer to repairs to products or


On that basis, we are seeking your agreement to withdraw your FOI request.
If you agree, we would be grateful for your confirmation by 9 August 2022.
If we do not receive a response from you by this date your request will be
taken to be withdrawn.




Sonya Petreski

FOI Officer | Corporate Law Unit, Specialist Advice and Services Division
Australian Competition & Consumer Commission
Level 2 | 23 Marcus Clarke Street Canberra 2601 |
[1]http://www.[ACCC request email]
T: +61 2 6243 1244 | F: +61 2 6243 1210
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email in error, please let the ACCC know by reply email to the sender
informing them of the mistake and delete all copies from your computer
system. For the purposes of the Spam Act 2003, this email is authorised by
the ACCC


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Dear FOI,

Thank you for getting back to me.
Consider my request withdrawn.

Yours sincerely,

Steven Roddis