Statistics on Anti-competitive behavior by Australian firms

N Man made this Freedom of Information request to Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

Dear Australian Competition and Consumer Commission,

Any good citizen of Australia cares about the productivity of Australia. Specifically how anti-competitive behavior is affecting Australians through:

1) Higher cost of living expenses
2) Higher cost of business
3) Higher inflation
4) Higher quantity of deadweight loss in economy.
5) Lower competitiveness to global competitors

The specific requests:

1). How many infringements has the ACCC issued in past 10 years for anti-competitive behavior (Categorised by size of firm infringed, year)?

2). How many full time staff or full time equivalent worth of staff are "Directly" allocated/assigned to investigating anti-competitive behavior of local firms?

3). How many instances "Dawn Raids" or "Surveillance" more detailed analysis is done of anti-competitive behavior by firms (quantity of firms raided for information or anti-competitive behavior).

4). How many infringements or warnings issued for collusion amongst competitors (quantity by year, by infringement fines, or warning, or criminal prosecutions)

5). How has ACCC specifically responded to predatory behavior of large institutions against smaller. (Description of monitoring activities).

Yours faithfully,
An Australian that cares about our economic well being of All Australians.

FOI, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

1 Attachment

Good morning.


Please find attached letter for your consideration.




William Herron
FOI Coordinator

Corporate and Regulatory Law Unit | Legal Group
Australian Competition & Consumer Commission
23 Marcus Clarke Street Canberra 2601  [1]
T: +61 0 6243 1325 | F: +61 0 6243 1210


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