Social media policy
Dear Infrastructure Australia,
I seek access to the following documents under the Freedom
of Information Act 1982:
1. Current social media policy of the department, which covers
departmental use and/or private use by employees in an individual
2. Any current guidance material which is available for employees to make informed decisions about their private social media use.
Yours faithfully,
James Smith
Dear Mr Smith,
I refer to your email dated 18 April 2016 making a request under the FOI
Act. Under section 15(5)(a) FOI Act, IA acknowledges receipt of your
The 30 day statutory period for processing your request commenced on 19 April 2016. The
period may be extended for a number of reasons including if we impose a charge, or if it is
necessary to consult with third parties. We will advise you if this happens. You will be
notified of any charges in relation to your request as soon as possible, before we process
any requested documents or impose a final charge.
At present, IA intends to consult with the Department of Infrastructure and Regional
Development relating to documents that potentially fall within the ambit of your request.
Please note that information released under the FOI Act may later be published online on
our disclosure log, subject to certain exceptions.
If you have any questions, please contact the following officer:
FOI Coordinator
Email: [1][email address]
Phone: 8114 1900
GPO Box 5417 | Sydney NSW 2001
Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
Dear FOI officer
Thank you for the update.
If it assists you, I am happy for the requested information to be provided outside the FOI act.
Yours sincerely,
James Smith
Dear Mr Smith,
IA encourages informal requests for access to documents outside the FOI
Act where possible.
In this case, IA will need to confer with the Department of Infrastructure
and Regional Development as previously mentioned.
IA will contact you again to advise whether informal access can be made after we have
conferred with DIRD.
FOI Coordinator
GPO Box 5417 | Sydney NSW 2001
Visible links
Dear Mr Smith,
Infrastructure Australia has identified documents relevant to your request, and has consulted with other Commonwealth entities in relation to release of the documents. A number of documents are available for release to you, and can be provided informally outside the FOI Act as you suggested. In order to provide the documents informally, it will be necessary for you to withdraw your request under the FOI Act. Please confirm withdrawal of your request, and we will provide the documents informally.
Yours faithfully,
FOI Coordiantor
GPO Box 5417 | Sydney NSW 2001
Dear Mr Smith,
In the event you wish to proceed with your request under the FOI Act, I enclose a notice to pay a charge for the documents requested.
If you intend to withdraw your request, Infrastructure Australia will provide the documents informally.
Yours faithfully
FOI Co-ordinator
Infrastructure Australia
GPO Box 5417 | Sydney NSW 2001
Dear FOI Coordinator.
Thank you for your email.
I am happy for the department to provide the documents outside the FOI act.
The department can consider this request withdrawn upon my receipt of the 8 documents identified in your notice of charges.
Yours sincerely,
James Smith
Dear Mr Smith,
Of the documents responding to your request, one is considered exempt, so only 7 will be released to you. Please advise whether your request will be effectively withdrawn on release to you of the 7 documents informally.
Yours faithfully,
FOI Coordinator
Infrastructure Australia
GPO Box 5417 | Sydney NSW 2001
Dear FOI Coordinator,
I would be willing to withdraw this FOI request upon provision of the 7 mentioned documents.
However, can you please advise why one document is exempt?
Yours sincerely,
James Smith
The exempt document is a protective security manual and marked for official use only.
On the basis of your agreement to withdraw the FOI request, I will arrange for release of the 7 documents informally. They will be provided next week.
GPO Box 5417 | Sydney NSW 2001
Dear Mr Smith,
I attach documents as referred to in the emails below.
Please note that document 002 comprises two documents being the circular on page 1 and the attachment on the following pages. Also, document 002 has been superseded by document 007.
As agreed, your FOI request 15-06 is now withdrawn.
Yours faithfully
FOI Coordinator
Infrastructure Australia
P + 61 2 8114 1900
GPO Box 5417 | Sydney NSW 2001
Dear FOI Coordinator,
Thank you for providing the requested information.
Yours sincerely,
James Smith