Social media policy
Dear Department of Communications,
I seek access to the following documents under the Freedom
of Information Act 1982:
1. Current social media policy of the department, which covers
departmental use and/or private use by employees in an individual
2. Any current guidance material which is available for employees to make informed decisions about their private social media use.
Yours faithfully,
James Smith
Dear Mr Smith
Freedom of Information Request No. 43-1516
Receipt is acknowledged of your email, received by the Department of Communications and the Arts on 18 April 2016, seeking access under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 to:
“[the] current social media policy of the department, which covers departmental use and/or private use by employees in an individual capacity [and] any current guidance material which is available for employees to make informed decisions about their private social media use.”
The statutory period for processing your FOI request is 30 days, which commenced from the date it was received.
Please contact the FOI Team at [Department of Communications and the Arts request email] if you have any queries.
Yours sincerely
FOI Officer, Office of the General Counsel
Department of Communications and the Arts
tel: +61 2 6271 1277
email: [Department of Communications and the Arts request email]
post: GPO Box 2154 Canberra ACT 2601
Dear Mr Smith
Freedom of Information Request No. 43-1516
Please find attached the following documents relating to your FOI request:
. Notice under Section 22 of the Freedom of Information Act 1982
. Internal Social Media Policy
. Pages from Social Media Intranet Page
. Video* Transcript - see note below
. OAIC FOI Fact Sheet 12 - Applicant Review Rights
*The Department of Communications and the Arts has produced a video on social media which was adapted from the Victorian Department of Justice video. The Victorian video is available here:
The Department of Communications and the Arts' video is approximately 94MB in size, so is too large to release to you via email. The Department has therefore prepared a transcript of the text of the video, and provided it in the pdf attached.
If you would like a copy of the video, you may either contact the Department to arrange a time to view the video in our Canberra office, or alternatively, if you provide an Australian postal address we will post you the video on a USB in mp4 format.
Should you have any queries, do not hesitate to contact us, preferably by email to [Department of Communications and the Arts request email].
Yours sincerely
FOI Officer
Office of the General Counsel
Department of Communications and the Arts
P +61 2 6271 1277
E [Department of Communications and the Arts request email]
38 Sydney Avenue, Forrest ACT 2603
GPO Box 2154 Canberra ACT 2601
Dear FOI,
Thank you for your response.
With regard to your video, is the department able to either upload the video to the department's website, or alternatively, upload the video to Youtube or alternate video/file sharing website? I would be appreciate it very much if you were able to do so.
Yours sincerely,
James Smith
Dear Mr Smith
Regrettably, we are not able to upload this video to our FOI Disclosure Log due to its file size.
As the video was produced for internal staff information, it is not the right fit for our YouTube channel which is directed at external stakeholders.
However, we are able to provide you with a USB of the video at no charge or you may attend our office to watch it at a mutually convenient time.
Please feel free to call to discuss further.
Many thanks
FOI Officer
Office of the General Counsel
Department of Communications and the Arts P +61 2 6271 1277 E [Department of Communications and the Arts request email]
38 Sydney Avenue, Forrest ACT 2603
GPO Box 2154 Canberra ACT 2601