Social Media Guidelines

Ben Fairless made this Freedom of Information request to Prime Minister

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

Prime Minister did not have the information requested.

Dear Prime Minister,

I make a request for documents created after the 2013 September election which details how your staff handle Social Media on your behalf.

This request specifically includes, but is not limited to:

1 - Policies, Procedures or Guidelines on how social media is to be managed on your behalf on the below social media channels:
- "Tony Abbott" Facebook Page -
- "Tony Abbott" Twitter Account - and
- Other social media sites where the communication is made as to appear to be from you or your office.

2 - Policies, Procedures or Guidelines on who is authorised to post a message on your behalf on the above mentioned social media outlets.

3 - Policies, Procedures or Guidelines issued to authorised persons in point 2 above on topics which should not be discussed via Social Media.

The above request is subject to the following exclusions:
- Duplicates of the same documents (or parts of documents)

I also make the application that all costs for all aspects of the
processing of this request be waived on the grounds that the
release of this information is in the public interest, will enhance
the transparency of the process by which you communicate with the Australian people, and the public debate surrounding Prime Ministerial communications.

Yours faithfully,

Ben Fairless

Anonymouse- left an annotation ()

I'm going to lodge a review on my application after seeing this story:

Impossible that 37 staff are running around without a single document directing their efforts. Perhaps this link will assist you in getting the information though if my efforts fail.

FOI, Prime Minister

Thanks you for your FOI request, below. The Prime Minister's Office is processing the request. We will communicate further in due course.

FOI action officer
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet p. +61 2 6271 5849 e. [Prime Minister request email] PO Box 6500 CANBERRA ACT 2600

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Dear Brendan,

Can you please advise on the status of this request? Whilst the Prime Minister is deemed to have refused access to the documents under s15AC(3) of Freedom of Information Act, If the information will be forthcoming within a few days I will hold off making an application for IC review.

I would appreciate a response to my email by the end of Monday, 4th of August.

Yours sincerely,

Ben Fairless

FOI, Prime Minister

Dear Mr Fairless

We are checking the status and hope to have a response for you in the next day or so. Thanks.

FOI action officer
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet p. +61 2 6271 5849 e. [Prime Minister request email] PO Box 6500 CANBERRA ACT 2600

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Dear Brendan,

Thanks for clarifying. I will hold off making an IC Review request until Wednesday (As I am unable to request an Internal Review for a s15AC(3) deemed refusal).

Yours sincerely,

Ben Fairless

Dear Office of the Prime Minister,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of the Prime Minister's handling of my FOI request 'Social Media Guidelines'.

A decision was due on this request on the 21st of July 2014. I have made an application to the Information Commissioner as the request is now "Deemed Refused" under s.15AC(3) of Freedom of Information Act.

It remains open to the Prime Minister to release this information in the interests of transparency.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Ben Fairless

FOI, Prime Minister

1 Attachment


Please see attached.

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