RN Drive promo with Andy Park

Paul Swain made this Freedom of Information request to Australian Broadcasting Corporation

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was refused by Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

Dear Australian Broadcasting Corporation,

Could you please provide me with a copy of the audio promo for Radio National's RN Drive programme, that features Andy Park, that has been playing on Radio National recently.

If there is a script, or transcript, of this promo, I would appreciate a copy of that as well.

Yours faithfully,

Paul Swain

FOI ABC, Australian Broadcasting Corporation

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Swain


I refer to your email of 7 April 2022, attached.


The request does not comply with the requirements of s 15 of the Freedom
of Information Act (Cth) 1982 (FOI Act) and is currently invalid.


If you submit a valid request, please note that the ABC is exempt from the
operation of the Commonwealth Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) in
respect of its program material, s 7(2), Schedule 2, Part II refers.

This means that ABC as an agency is not required to provide its program
material under freedom of information.

The radio promo (audio, script, and/or transcript) requested is clearly
program material and cannot be supplied to you.

You may also refer to Australian Broadcasting Corporation and Herald and
Weekly Times Pty Limited [2012] AATA 914, and the Guidelines issued by the
OAIC at paragraph 2.16, for more information about the program material

Please contact me if you would like to discuss.

Many thanks, FOI Advisor

ABC Legal | 13 9994

This email, including any attachments, is intended only for the addressee.
It is confidential and may contain privileged information. You should not
read, copy, use or disclose it, or take any other action in reliance of
the information contained in this email, without authorisation.

If you have received the email in error, please immediately let the sender
know by separate email or telephone and delete the email from your system

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Paul Swain left an annotation ()

While I have classified this request as refused, hopefully my request for advice and information in a similar request (see https://www.righttoknow.org.au/request/r...) will yield some results, and that it will be possible to submit another, complying, request for this information in the future.