Rhys Cauzzo
Dear Minister for Human Services,
I write to request under the Freedom of Information Act all communications within your office and from the Department of Human Services relating to the releasing of personal information about Rhys Cauzzo to the Saturday Paper.
Yours faithfully,
Dear UD,
Please see attached a letter from the Chief of Staff from the Office of
the Hon Alan Tudge MP, Andrew Asten.
This letter is an acknowledgement of your Freedom of Information Request.
Kind regards,
Gabrielle Ide
Executive Assistant to the Hon. Alan Tudge MP
Minister for Human Services
Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600
APH: 02 6277 7200 | EO: 03 9887 3890 | MOB: 0472 877 689
[1][email address]
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Ben Fairless left an annotation ()
I've had a look at this request and googled the person in question. I think this is about the decision to release the personal information of a welfare recipient to the press, not a request for the personal information itself.
Dear UD,
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your request for
documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982. Your reference number
is LEX 29018.
FOI Legal Team
FOI and Litigation Branch | Legal Services Division
Department of Human Services
* [1][email address]
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confidential. If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you are
prohibited from using or disseminating this communication. If you have
received this communication in error please notify the sender immediately
and permanently delete this email.
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1. mailto:[email address]
James Baldwin left an annotation ()
Hello UD,
It's not appropriate for you to ask for personal information on this website. All information about a request through right to know is made public. Try sending an email to the Minister other than through this website.