Reviews or evaluations of the impact of tobacco excise on smoking behaviour

The request was partially successful.

Dear Department of the Treasury,

I am writing to request a copy of any evaluations, reviews or assessments of the impact of tobacco excise on smoking behaviour (e.g. consumption, prevalence, product switching to e-cigarettes, product switching to the black market, etc.).

Please include any that have been undertaken, commissioned or received by Treasury since 2018.

Please note that I am submitting an identical request to the Department of Health.

Yours faithfully,

Francis Markham.

FOI, Department of the Treasury


Dear Mr Markham


We write to acknowledge receipt of your request, under the Freedom of
Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), seeking the following documents: 


I am writing to request a copy of any evaluations, reviews or assessments
of the impact of tobacco excise on smoking behaviour (e.g. consumption,
prevalence, product switching to e-cigarettes, product switching to the
black market, etc.).

Please include any that have been undertaken, commissioned or received by
Treasury since 2018.

Please note that I am submitting an identical request to the Department of


The Treasury received your request on 5 December 2024. The FOI Act
provides that we have 14 days to acknowledge, and 30 days to process, the
request. This period may be extended if we need to consult third parties
or for other reasons. We will advise you if this happens. 


Extension request 


As you may be aware, the Treasury closes between Christmas and New Year
and a large number of staff schedule additional leave around this time. We
would be grateful if you would agree to extend the statutory timeframe by
15 days to 19 January 2025. Under section 15AA of the FOI Act you can
agree to extensions of up to 30 days. A response by COB 17 December 2024
would be appreciated.  


We will advise you if a charge is payable to process your request and the
amount of any such charge as soon as possible.  


We make the following assumptions that affect the scope of the request.
These are set out below. 


It is our usual practice: 

o not to disclose the personal information of government employees or
the personal contact details of senior government employees (including
those of the Treasury). The names of senior officers will generally be
o not to release duplicates of any document captured within the scope of
the request.  
o only the final version of a document will be considered within scope. 


Please inform us if you do not agree to the request being processed on the
above assumptions. If we do not hear from you, your request will be
processed on the basis that these documents are outside the scope of your


We will contact you using the email address you provided. Please advise if
you would prefer us to use an alternative means of contact. 


If you have any questions in relation to your application, please contact
the FOI Team on 02 6263 2800. 


Kind regards 


Freedom of Information Officer 

The Treasury 

Ph: +61 2 6263 2800 

e: [1][email address]  


The Department of the Treasury (the Treasury) may collect your personal
information where it is reasonably necessary for, or directly related to,
our functions, including those under the Freedom of Information Act 1982
(FOI Act) and the Privacy Act 1988. We may collect your name, email
address and telephone number in order to contact you about your request or
privacy complaint. We hold personal information in accordance with the
Privacy Act and our privacy policy. If you have an enquiry or complaint
about your privacy, please contact the Privacy Officer on 02 6263 1384  or
via e-mail [2][email address]. You can find further information
about how the Treasury handles personal information in the Treasury’s
[3]privacy policy.  






show quoted sections

Dear FOI Officer,

More than happy to agree to an extension until 19 January 2025. I hope you have a pleasant Christmas break.

Yours sincerely,

Francis Markham

FOI, Department of the Treasury

1 Attachment


Dear Mr Markham


Please find attached a notice of request consultation regarding FOI 3812.


Kind regards


Freedom of Information Officer

The Treasury

Ph: +61 2 6263 2800

e: [1][Treasury request email]


The Department of the Treasury (the Treasury) may collect your personal
information where it is reasonably necessary for, or directly related to,
our functions, including those under the Freedom of Information Act 1982
(FOI Act) and the Privacy Act 1988. We may collect your name, email
address and telephone number in order to contact you about your request or
privacy complaint. We hold personal information in accordance with the
Privacy Act and our privacy policy. If you have an enquiry or complaint
about your privacy, please contact the Privacy Officer on 02 6263 1384  or
via e-mail [2][email address]. You can find further information about how
the Treasury handles personal information in the Treasury’s privacy



show quoted sections

Dear Ms Baudinette,

Thank you for your email regarding FOI ref: 3812 dated 18 December 2024.

I wish to take this opportunity to revise my request.

Please amend the request to include:

Documents, excluding emails, that report on those evaluations, reviews or assessments of the impact of tobacco excise on smoking behaviour (e.g. consumption, prevalence, product switching to e-cigarettes, product switching to the black market, etc.) that have been undertaken or commissioned by Treasury since 2018.

I trust that this addresses the practical refusal grounds outlined in your letter

Yours sincerely,

Francis Markham

FOI, Department of the Treasury


Dear Mr Markham


Treasury acknowledges your scope revision set out below.


The department’s line area will conduct further searches and you will be
informed of the outcome.



Freedom of Information Officer

The Treasury



show quoted sections

FOI, Department of the Treasury


Dear Mr Markham,


Further to our email below, the relevant line area of the Treasury has
confirmed that they are able to recommence processing your request (FOI
3812) due to the scope revisions you have provided. The revised deadline
for this request is now 20 January 2025.


Kind regards,


Freedom of Information Officer

The Treasury

Ph: +61 2 6263 2800

e: [1][email address]


The Department of the Treasury (the Treasury) may collect your personal
information where it is reasonably necessary for, or directly related to,
our functions, including those under the Freedom of Information Act 1982
(FOI Act) and the Privacy Act 1988. We may collect your name, email
address and telephone number in order to contact you about your request or
privacy complaint. We hold personal information in accordance with the
Privacy Act and our privacy policy. If you have an enquiry or complaint
about your privacy, please contact the Privacy Officer on 02 6263 1384  or
via e-mail [2][email address]. You can find further information
about how the Treasury handles personal information in the Treasury’s
[3]privacy policy.


If you have received this email in error, please notify us immediately by
return email and delete all copies. If this email or any attachments have
been sent to you in error, that error does not constitute waiver of any
confidentiality, privilege or copyright in respect of information
contained within the email or attachments.



From: FOI <[email address]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2024 6:29 PM
To: Francis Markham <[FOI #12479 email]>
Cc: FOI <[email address]>
Subject: FOI 3812 acknowledgement of scope revision [SEC=OFFICIAL]




Dear Mr Markham


Treasury acknowledges your scope revision set out below.


The department’s line area will conduct further searches and you will be
informed of the outcome.



Freedom of Information Officer

The Treasury




show quoted sections

Dear FOI,

Thanks very much the update.

Seasons greetings,

Francis Markham

FOI, Department of the Treasury


Dear Mr Markham,

We refer to your revised request (FOI 3812), seeking access to the following documents:

Documents, excluding emails, that report on those evaluations, reviews or assessments of the impact of tobacco excise on smoking behaviour (e.g. consumption, prevalence, product switching to e-cigarettes, product switching to the black market, etc.) that have been undertaken or commissioned by Treasury since 2018.

We are writing to you to seek an additional 11-day extension under section 15AA of the FOI Act. Some documents captured by the revised scope require consultation with the Cabinet division of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM+ACY-C). Agreeing to this extension will allow for this consultation to occur.

Where you agree, a decision will then be due to you on or before 31 January 2025.

We would appreciate your response by 4PM Tuesday 14 January 2025.

Kind regards,

Freedom of Information Officer
The Treasury
Ph: +-61 2 6263 2800

The Department of the Treasury (the Treasury) may collect your personal information where it is reasonably necessary for, or directly related to, our functions, including those under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) and the Privacy Act 1988. We may collect your name, email address and telephone number in order to contact you about your request or privacy complaint. We hold personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act and our privacy policy. If you have an enquiry or complaint about your privacy, please contact the Privacy Officer on 02 6263 1384 or via e-mail You can find further information about how the Treasury handles personal information in the Treasury+IBk-s privacy policy.

If you have received this email in error, please notify us immediately by return email and delete all copies. If this email or any attachments have been sent to you in error, that error does not constitute waiver of any confidentiality, privilege or copyright in respect of information contained within the email or attachments.


show quoted sections

Dear FOI team,

Yes, I agree to this extension.

Yours sincerely,

Francis Markham

FOI, Department of the Treasury


Dear Mr Markham,

With apologies for any inconvenience caused, it has become apparent that we will be unable to provide you the decision on this matter today. This is due to the requirement for further consultation on documents captured by the scope of your request.

We expect to finalise the decision by the end of next week.

Thank you in advance for your patience.

Kind regards,

Freedom of Information Officer
The Treasury
Ph: +-61 2 6263 2800

The Department of the Treasury (the Treasury) may collect your personal information where it is reasonably necessary for, or directly related to, our functions, including those under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) and the Privacy Act 1988. We may collect your name, email address and telephone number in order to contact you about your request or privacy complaint. We hold personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act and our privacy policy. If you have an enquiry or complaint about your privacy, please contact the Privacy Officer on 02 6263 1384 or via e-mail You can find further information about how the Treasury handles personal information in the Treasury+IBk-s privacy policy.

If you have received this email in error, please notify us immediately by return email and delete all copies. If this email or any attachments have been sent to you in error, that error does not constitute waiver of any confidentiality, privilege or copyright in respect of information contained within the email or attachments.


show quoted sections

FOI, Department of the Treasury

2 Attachments


Dear Mr Markham

Please see the FOI 3812 decision attached.

Kind regards,

Freedom of Information Officer
The Treasury
Ph: +-61 2 6263 2800

The Department of the Treasury (the Treasury) may collect your personal information where it is reasonably necessary for, or directly related to, our functions, including those under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) and the Privacy Act 1988. We may collect your name, email address and telephone number in order to contact you about your request or privacy complaint. We hold personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act and our privacy policy. If you have an enquiry or complaint about your privacy, please contact the Privacy Officer on 02 6263 1384 or via e-mail You can find further information about how the Treasury handles personal information in the Treasury+IBk-s privacy policy.

If you have received this email in error, please notify us immediately by return email and delete all copies. If this email or any attachments have been sent to you in error, that error does not constitute waiver of any confidentiality, privilege or copyright in respect of information contained within the email or attachments.


show quoted sections

Dear FOI Officer,

Thank you for completing this request. We will be in touch in due course should we decide to request an internal review.

I hope you have a pleasant weekend.

Yours sincerely,

Francis Markham