Response to NICNAS Report on MCS research needs
Dear Australian Population Health Development Principal Committee,
In 2010 NICNAS released a report into the research needs of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity:
Could you please provide me with any information that the APHDPC holds that relates to this report and its recommendations.
Yours faithfully,
Paul Swain
The original message was received at Sat, 13 Feb 2016 18:22:39 +1100
from []
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<[email address]>
(reason: 554 5.4.6 Too many hops)
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554 5.4.6 Too many hops 28 (25 max): from <[FOI #1549 email]> via localhost, to <[email address]>
Sent request to COAG Health Council again, using a new contact address.
Hello Paul
I have searched through our electronic files and have found some administrative details of the Australian Population Health Development Principal Committee, which was dissolved in 2012.
I cannot find any records of meetings or the discussions held at them.
I searched to see if any other committees discussed the report but I can find no record that it was discussed.
Kind regards,
Barbara Levings
COAG Health Council Secretariat
Tel: 61 8 8226 6366
[mobile number]
Fax: 61 8 8226 7244
Email: [email address]
Dear Barbara,
Thanks for your response and for checking the Council's records.
1. Do you know who else might hold the Australian Population Health Development Principal Committee's records?
My original request, which was sent to the contact details that Right to Know held for the Committee, bounced. As the Committee's web site was directed to the COAG Health Council's site, when the initial message bounced, I got the Right to Know people to forward my request to the COAG Health Council as I couldn't find any other relevant organisation.
2. Is the NICNAS report something that the COAG Health Council would consider? If so, how do I get it on the Council's agenda?
Yours sincerely,
Paul Swain
Dear Dear Barbara,
I'm just following up my 16 February 2016 email about the NICNAS MCS report - see if you need a copy.
Is there any information that you can send me? Or should I just close this request?
Yours sincerely,
Paul Swain
Hello Paul
We did not receive the 16 February response to my email, hence the silence from our end.
If you would like to raise this with Health Ministers the best place to start would be to write to the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee.
Secretariat: [email address]
Contact Number: 02 6289 2634
They will be able to advise you about whether that committee could discuss the report and decide whether to forward it to Health Minsiters.
Kind regards,
Barbara Levings
COAG Health Council Secretariat
Tel: 61 8 8226 6366
[mobile number]
Fax: 61 8 8226 7244
Email: [email address]
Paul Swain left an annotation ()
From the contact details for the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee are:
Postal Address
AHPC Secretariat, Office of Health Protection Committee
(02) 6289 2634
The role of the AHPPC is to coordinate national approach to:
- preventing and responding to public health emergencies;
- communicable disease (excluding chronic disease) threats; and
- environmental threats to public health, including long-term threats
so it's not clear that they are the people to contact about this, but there is a whole list of committees at that may include a group that cover MCS.