Remuneration levels
Dear Brisbane City Council,
I request the total number of staff (including of subsidiaries of the Council) paid annual remuneration of more than $250,000 currently.
Given the significant public interest in the salary information of those most highly paid officials, I ask that the ordinarily applicable FOI fees be waived in this instance.
Yours faithfully,
Amy Silver
Dear Amy,
Thank you for your email. You will find the requested information is publicly available on page 195 of Council's 2018-19 annual report which is on Council's website at:
In terms of the subsidiaries, you will need to go to their respective annual reports, which will be on their own websites.
I hope that this information is of assistance.
David Simons
Right to Information and Information Privacy Officer | Council and Committee Liaison Office
City Administration and Governance | BRISBANE CITY COUNCIL
Brisbane Square | Level 23, 266 George Street, Brisbane, Qld 4000
Phone: +61-7-3403 6786 | Fax 07 3334 0043
Email: [email address]