Red Chief Local Aboriginal Land Council | Administration Report

Dean Foley made this Government Information (Public Access) request to NSW Office of the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

NSW Office of the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 did not have the information requested.

Dear NSW Office of the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983,

As a member of the Red Chief Local Aboriginal Land Council, I request a copy of the Investigation Report.

I am re-sending my information request as I have still not received a response or acknowledgement receipt to my original query sent to you on Monday January 16 at 8:00 AM—[email address].

Kind regards,

Rochelle Coggan,


Dear Mr Foley

I refer to your email below dated 20 January 2023, requesting a copy of an investigation report relating to the Red Chief Local Aboriginal Land Council from the Office of the Registrar, Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 (NSW) ('Office of the Registrar').

Please note that applications to access government information held by the Office of the Registrar are required by the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (NSW) ('GIPA Act') to be made directly to the Department of Premier and Cabinet Information and Privacy Unit, which is responsible for processing those applications. Further information about making an application to access information held by the Office of the Registrar is available here -

Once you have made an application through the Department of Premier and Cabinet's Information and Privacy Unit, public interest considerations (including the release of individuals' personal information and any privilege attaching to the investigation report) will be taken into account in deciding whether the information can be released to you.

I note that your earlier email dated 16 January 2023, and your request for information contained in that email, was addressed to Mr Tim Gumbleton (the current administrator of Red Chief Local Aboriginal Land Council), not to the Office of the Registrar. As such, we have not responded to that email.

Kind regards

Rochelle Coggan
Legal Officer
Office of the Registrar, Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983

Mail: PO Box 787
Phone: (02) 8575 1160
Email: [email address]

Visit our website:

(I work Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday)

The Office of the Registrar stands on Aboriginal land. We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land and we show our respect for Elders past, present and emerging through thoughtful and collaborative approaches to our work, seeking to demonstrate our ongoing commitment to supporting the return of land to Aboriginal people as compensation for past dispossession; and to support self-determination through participation and representation in the land council network.

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