'Record My Hours' App Development, Correspondence, and Android Version

The request was successful.

Dear Fair Work Ombudsman,

I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 1982, regarding the 'Record My Hours' app, introduced by the Fair Work Ombudsman in March 2017. This request is made to understand the app's development, management, and the decision-making processes surrounding its lifecycle, including the Android version's release and removal from the Google Play Store.

Specifically, I seek access to documents related to:

1) Evaluations, reviews, or reports on the 'Record My Hours' app's performance, functionality, user feedback, and technical issues, from its launch in March 2017 to the present.
2) Correspondence between the Fair Work Ombudsman and then Minister for Employment, Senator Michaelia Cash, regarding the app's development, updates, maintenance, operational concerns, and the strategy for both iOS and Android platforms.
3) Documentation detailing the rationale and decision-making process for the discontinuation of updates for the iOS app after November 2017, including any discussions regarding challenges or considerations that influenced this decision.
4) Information on the development, release, and subsequent removal of the Android version of the 'Record My Hours' app from the Google Play Store, including discussions on technical, regulatory, budgetary or operational challenges that led to its removal.

To assist in quickly identifying the requested information, I am looking for communications, memos, emails, and any formal documentation that provides insight into the app's lifecycle and governmental oversight.

In line with the FWO Information Access Policy, I understand and expect any unrelated personal information to be redacted as per the guidelines.

Please consider this request within the discretionary framework as well as the formal FOI process. I am open to discussing ways to refine this request further to facilitate efficient processing.

Yours faithfully,


FWO - FOI Requests, Fair Work Ombudsman

1 Attachment

OFFICIAL: Sensitive

Dear FN

I confirm receipt of your Freedom of Information (FOI) request dated 14 March 2024 for information held by the Office of the Fair Work Ombudsman (OFWO).

Scope of request:

We understand the scope of your request to be for the following:

1) Evaluations, reviews, or reports on the 'Record My Hours' app's performance, functionality, user feedback, and technical issues, from its launch in March 2017 to the present.
2) Correspondence between the Fair Work Ombudsman and then Minister for Employment, Senator Michaelia Cash, regarding the app's development, updates, maintenance, operational concerns, and the strategy for both iOS and Android platforms.
3) Documentation detailing the rationale and decision-making process for the discontinuation of updates for the iOS app after November 2017, including any discussions regarding challenges or considerations that influenced this decision.
4) Information on the development, release, and subsequent removal of the Android version of the 'Record My Hours' app from the Google Play Store, including discussions on technical, regulatory, budgetary or operational challenges that led to its removal.

We have reviewed the scope of your request and note that OFWO maintains a large amount of day to day, transactional information about the +IBg-Record My Hours+IBk- application (+IBg-the App+IBk-). We seek your agreement to exclude this information from the scope of your request and limit the scope to:
1. High level evaluations, reviews or reports on the App+IBk-s performance and user feedback from its launch in March 2017 to the present.
2. Correspondence between the Fair Work Ombudsman and then Minister for Employment, Senator Michaelia Cash, regarding the app's development, updates, maintenance, operational concerns, and the strategy for both iOS and Android platforms.
3. Documentation detailing the rationale and decision-making process for the discontinuation of updates for the iOS app after November 2017, including any discussions regarding challenges or considerations that influenced this decision.
4. Information on the removal of the Android version of the App from the Google Play Store including discussions on technical, regulatory, budgetary or operational challenges that led to its removal.

I also seek your consent to exclude the following information from the scope of your request:
+ICI- Transactional IT data on task tracking, testing and bug fixes.
+ICI- Duplicate documents, including duplicate emails. The OFWO will provide emails where they form a final email chain and the authors/recipients are contained within the final email.
+ICI- Names of OFWO staff members, direct telephone numbers, email addresses, log on identifiers and signatures of OFWO staff (other than Senior Executives).

Processing of your request
The 30 day statutory time period for processing this request commenced on the day following the day on which your request was received (subsection 15(5) of the FOI Act). As the due date for a decision falls on a Saturday, the due date is Monday 15 April 2024 (section 36(2) of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 (Cth)).
Please provide your response by 22 March 2024 . We will continue to keep you updated on the progress of your request.

If you have any questions or need any more information about the processing of your request, please email foi+AEA-fwo.gov.au and quote reference IA-2101.


Tracy La +AHw- Information Governance Officer, Information Governance

Corporate Services

OFFICIAL: Sensitive

show quoted sections

Dear FWO - FOI Requests,

I appreciate your swift response. After reviewing the proposed adjustments to the scope of my request, I agree to the modifications suggested with a minor clarification to ensure we’re aligned on the details of the request.

Regarding item 2 (Correspondence with then Minister for Employment, Senator Michaelia Cash), I’d like to clarify that my interest extends to correspondence between the offices of the Fair Work Ombudsman and Senator Michaelia Cash, rather than being limited solely to direct exchanges between the Ombudsman and Senator Cash. This would include any communications exchanged by staff or representatives of both offices concerning the app’s development, updates, maintenance, and operational concerns, as well as strategy for both iOS and Android platforms.

For the other points, I consent to the narrowed scopes and exclusions as suggested. I agree to the exclusion of transactional IT data, duplicate documents, and personal information of OFWO staff members other than Senior Executives, as specified in your response.

I look forward to your confirmation of this clarification and any further instructions or information required to proceed.

Yours sincerely,


FWO - FOI Requests, Fair Work Ombudsman

2 Attachments

OFFICIAL: Sensitive

Dear FN


I refer to your Freedom of Information request submitted to the office of
Fair Work Ombudsman (OFWO) on 14 March 2024 under the Freedom of
Information Act 1982 (FOI Act).

The OFWO has identified documents within the scope of your requests that
contain personal information and information about a business, commercial
or financial affairs of third parties.

In accordance with section 27 and 27A of the FOI Act, the OFWO is required
to consult with the relevant individuals and business before deciding
whether to release the information to you.

The attached notice provides further information with regards to the
requirement to consult. 

Kind regards



Tracy La | Information Governance Officer, Information Governance


Corporate Services

Fair Work Ombudsman






OFFICIAL: Sensitive

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Dear Tracy and the Information Governance Team,

Thank you for your email regarding my FOI request. I understand and acknowledge the need for third-party consultation, as well as the FWO's decision to extend the processing time.

Per my email dated 18th of March, I wish to ensure there is clarity on my interest regarding the scope of my request. It extends to all communications between the respective offices of the Fair Work Ombudsman and Senator Michaelia Cash concerning the 'Record My Hours' app, not solely the direct exchanges between then Ombudsman Natalie James and Senator Cash. This clarification is vital to ensure the comprehensiveness of the information provided.

I also note the brief response window provided in your last communication. Given its proximity to weekends and the complexity of the issues, I believe a more extended period would better align with the FOI Act's principles of fairness and reasonableness in processing requests. Therefore, I trust my response, though slightly delayed, will be accepted and that we can continue to process my request effectively.

I agree to the scope adjustments you've outlined, but I seek confirmation of your understanding regarding the breadth of communications of interest between the Fair Work Ombudsman and Senator Michaelia Cash.

I look forward to your confirmation and any further updates regarding my request.

Yours sincerely,


FWO - FOI Requests, Fair Work Ombudsman

1 Attachment

OFFICIAL: Sensitive

Dear FN

Thank you for your prompt response. We will continue to process your request.

We confirm that we understand the breadth and scope of your FOI request as noted.


Tracy La +AHw- Information Governance Officer, Information Governance

Corporate Services

OFFICIAL: Sensitive

show quoted sections

FWO - FOI Requests, Fair Work Ombudsman

2 Attachments

OFFICIAL: Sensitive

Dear FN


Please refer to the attached correspondence regarding your request under
the Freedom of Information Act 1982, OFWO reference IA-2101.


Can you please contact us to provide us with an alternative email address
so we can provide the documents to you via a secure file sharing platform?





Tracy La | Information Governance Officer, Information Governance


Corporate Services

Fair Work Ombudsman



OFFICIAL: Sensitive

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FWO - FOI Requests, Fair Work Ombudsman

2 Attachments

OFFICIAL: Sensitive

Dear FN


As we have not heard from you regarding an alternate email address, we
have now attached the relevant documents.


The remainder of the documents will be released to you after all
opportunities a third party may have to seek review of the decision have
run out, and the decision still stands or is confirmed.





Tracy La | Information Governance Officer, Information Governance


Corporate Services

Fair Work Ombudsman



OFFICIAL: Sensitive

This email is sent by the Fair Work Ombudsman (ABN 43 884 188 232).
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FWO - FOI Requests, Fair Work Ombudsman

2 Attachments

OFFICIAL: Sensitive

Dear FN


I refer to your Freedom of Information (FOI) request lodged with the Fair
Work Ombudsman on 14 March 2024 and the Notice of Decision issued on 15
May 2024.


We have received confirmation from the Information Commissioner that no
external requests have been made for the review of the OFWO’s decision,
and as such we are now able to release the documents to you in accordance
with the Notice of Decision.





Tracy La | Information Governance Officer, Information Governance


Corporate Services

Fair Work Ombudsman



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