RE: Marine reserves not enough: report
Dear Marine Council,
Why are marine life that are endemic to Australia put at risk of being extinct for the benifit of coal seam gas companies?
Please supply documentation to support this
One only needs to look to the damage to where this industry has reaked mysery to the people, animals, wildlife and the enviornment of America.
I hate to point out the obvious, but these animals have taken a few billion years to come to be in their present state and it looks like these CSG merchants of death will will be sending these animals which should be given proper respect for what they truly are, an important part of the enviornment.
Their welfare is our responsibility and we as humans should not be looking the other way.
1, Can you please tell me on what legal basis a coal seam gas corporation has to drive these animals to extinction?
2, Who is responsible for the approval of liscences to these companies?
3, Who is responsible for the demise of marine life due to coal seam gas?
4, Will these CSG companies be fined for their enviornmental damage
Please supply this information in the form of .PDF files
Yours faithfully,
Dear Kieran
Thank you for your email below. Unfortunately I do not think that we are the correct Department to help with this request. I have asked various business areas within this Department and they have confirmed that we are not involved in the licencing or control of Coal Seam Gas mining. To our knowledge the Marine Council would not have been involved either. It may be worth noting that the Marine Council has not operated in some years.
In relation to the environmental impacts of offshore mining the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities may be able to help however mining licences etc. may also be granted by various state authorities depending on location.
I hope this is of assistance and please do not hesitate to call me if you would like to discuss further.
Kind regards
Allison Kenna
FOI Coordinator
Governance, Planning and Reporting
Department of Infrastructure and Transport
Level 4 East, 62 Northbourne Avenue, Canberra
Phone: 02 6274 7844
Fax: 02 6275 1347
Please note that I do not work on Wednesdays

Matthew Landauer left an annotation ()
The authority should transfer the request for you to the correct one. You shouldn't have to make the request again. See
Dear Marine Council,
Can you please transfer my request to the correct department, so that they might be able to help me
For your reference:
Yours faithfully,
Dear Kieran
Thank you for your email below. Please note that we do not consider your
original email to be a valid request for documents under the Freedom of
Information Act 1982 and as such I have not transferred it to another
agency which may be able to provide you with assistance.
As mentioned we would suggest that perhaps the Department of
Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities may be able
to assist. You might wish to consult the website and guidelines of the
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner in drafting a valid FOI
A link to the OAIC website on FOI is provided for your reference below.
Please note that FOI is a legally enforceable right to access existing
documents in the possession of an Australian Government agency. A agency
is not obliged to answer questions or create documents to satisfy an FOI
As stated the Department of Infrastructure and Transport are not involved
in Coal Seam Gas Mining and as such we are not the correct Department to
handle this matter.
Allison Kenna
FOI Coordinator
Governance, Planning and Reporting
Department of Infrastructure and Transport
Level 4 East, 62 Northbourne Avenue, Canberra
Phone: 02 6274 7844
Fax: 02 6275 1347
Henare Degan left an annotation ()
>It may be worth noting that the Marine Council has not operated in some years.
I've added a note to this authority to that effect: