Queensland statistics for CTP Insurance
Dear Queensland Motor Accident Insurance Commission,
I am seeking Queensland statistics for the annual number of personal injury claims due to motor vehicle accident since 2000.
Yours faithfully,
Julie Middleton
Dear Queensland Motor Accident Insurance Commission,
Could you please formally respond to this FOI request as the due date was yesterday.
Please advise if you request an extension of time.
Yours faithfully,
Julie Middleton
Dear Julie
Thank you for your email.
On 19 December 2019, Queensland Treasury's RTI Unit sent an email to your gmail account in response to your email seeking access to Queensland statistics for the annual number of personal injury claims due to motor vehicle accidents. In case you didn't receive it, the email advised as follows:
The Motor Accident Insurance Commission (the Commission) has advised that claims numbers by financial year are publicly available in its annual reports. The Commission’s annual reports are publicly available at https://maic.qld.gov.au/publications/. Annual reports prior to 2010-11 are available at https://maic.qld.gov.au/archive/. The Commission has advised that it can only provide data as far back as 1994-95, with some of it being incomplete, as it only commenced operations in September 1994.
If you would like access to information which is not publicly available in these annual reports, you may lodge an RTI application online at https://www.smartservice.qld.gov.au/serv....
We have been advised that Queensland Treasury have not received an RTI application from you.
We hope this is of assistance.
Kind regards,
Motor Accident Insurance Commission