Public enquiries/Individual's court matters & the AFP
Dear Federal Circuit Court of Australia,
I am seeking information in relation to the complaint referral process of the Federal Circuit Court of Australia and the Jurisdiction of the AFP to accept any such referrals.
Does the Federal Circuit court refer 'complaints' from members of the public or is their a process involving referrals to the AFP from the Court.
If the answer is yes, in what lawful capacity can they act?. The Courts independence from the Government does not make it Government Entity, Agency or Commonwealth Place, how can the AFP have any involvement without being in breach of their lawful jurisdiction?.
yours faithfully,
Dear Tesi
I acknowledge receipt of your below email. You will receive a response
within 30 days from the date of your email in accordance with the Freedom
of Information Act 1982 (Cth).
Kind regards
Federal Circuit Court of Australia
PO Box 9991 in your capital city
p. 1300 352 000 | e. [1][email address]
Follow us on Twitter [2]@FedCctCourtAU
Dear Tesi,
Please find correspondence from a Registrar of the Federal Circuit Court
Kind regards,
FOI Officer
Federal Circuit Court of Australia
Dear Michael Raine,
I would like to amend my original request specifically to request copies of 'referral documents' for all investigation referrals/requests sent to the AFP from the Court/Court Marshal/Court for the 17/18 and 18/19 financial years.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Tesi
I acknowledge receipt of your below email sent on 18 January 2020.
Your email will be treated as a new request under the provisions of the
Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth). As such, you will receive a
response within 30 days .
Kind regards
Mike Raine
Freedom of Information Officer
Federal Circuit Court of Australia
PO Box 9991 in your capital city
p. 1300 352 000 | e. [1][email address]
Follow us on Twitter [2]@FedCctCourtAU
Dear Tesi
Please find letter attached.
Kind regards
Federal Circuit Court of Australia
PO Box 9991 in your capital city
p. 1300 352 000 | e. [1][email address]
Follow us on Twitter [2]@FedCctCourtAU