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Printed from on March 29, 2025 19:37
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 7)
Dear Anonymous
Thank you for your email.
We refer you to our email of 9 November 2020 (attached) regarding the requirements for a valid FOI...
Dear Ms Tesi
Your Freedom of Information Request – Decision
Please see attached the AFP’s decision regarding your recent reque...
Good afternoon Tesi,
I hope you are well and refer to my email correspondence below.
I note that the AFP is yet to recei...
Dear Tesi,
I refer to previous correspondence, in particular, my email sent on 10
February 2020 seeking some clarification as to your identity....
Dear Tesi,
Our apologies for taking some time to acknowledge your request – we
consulted with our internal counsel to determine where to obtain...
Dear Tesi
Please find letter attached.
Kind regards
Federal Circuit Court of Australia
PO Box 9991 in your capital ci...
Thank you for your email.
Please note that this is an automated response to confirm that your email was sent to the Australian Federal Police Freedo...
This person's 1 annotation
The question ultimately is are the local governments acting within their “reserved power” and conducting themselves for the “peace, ordinance and good...