Private use of social media advice provided to employees
Dear SA Department for Correctional Services,
This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act.
I request documents related to the ten most recent instances where an employee has sought information, advice, guidance, or opinion on their social media use in a private capacity.
I limit the scope of documents to:
- the original request from the employee
- the agency/department's response
- any follow-up questions and response
- only those sent to a relevant HR / conduct / social media (or similar) team (rather than managers across all areas of the organisation)
- where the original request was created in the last 2 years
Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours faithfully,
James Smith
Thank you for your email.
It has been forwarded to the relevant section for attention / action.
Kind Regards,
Records Unit
Department for Correctional Services
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Good afternoon,
The Department for Correctional Services have received an FOI application
from James Smith for the following:
I request documents related to the ten most recent instances where an
employee has sought information, advice, guidance, or opinion on their
social media use in a private capacity.
‘I limit the scope of documents to:
- the original request from the employee
- the agency/department's response
- any follow-up questions and response
- only those sent to a relevant HR / conduct / social media (or similar)
team (rather than managers across all areas of the organisation)
- where the original request was created in the last 2 years’
To request documents held by the Department for Correctional Services
(DCS) you will need to submit a Freedom of Information (FOI) application
to DCS stating that your request is made pursuant to the Freedom of
Information Act 1991 (the FOI Act). An FOI application form is attached
for your reference.
For an FOI application to be valid in accordance with section 13(c) of the
FOI Act (extract below) it must be accompanied by the current FOI
application fee of $34.25 as prescribed by the Freedom of Information Fees
and Charges (Regulations) 2003 (attached, for your reference). DCS may
levy further charges in relation to the processing of an FOI application;
however, you would be advised in advance if this were to occur.
Should you wish to apply for a fee waiver on the grounds of financial
hardship, you will need to supply us with your application documentary
evidence of your inability to pay, such as a photocopy of both sides of a
current benefit/concession card. Please note that at this time, DCS is
only able to accept payment via cheque or money order, which should be
made out to the Department.
The FOI Act provides agencies with 30 calendar days from the date of
receipt of a valid FOI application to determine the request. Should the
due date need to be extended, you would be advised of this in advance and
of the reason/s for the extension.
Part 3—Access to documents
Division 1—General
13—Applications for access to agencies' documents
An application for access to an agency's document—
(a) must be in writing; and
(b) must specify that it is made under this Act; and
(c) must be accompanied by such application fee as may be prescribed; and
(d) must contain such information as is reasonably necessary to enable the
document to be identified; and
(e) must specify an address in Australia to which notices under this Act
should be
sent; and
(f) must be lodged at an office of the agency, and may request that access
to the
document be given in a particular way.
Your FOI application and accompanying documentation may be posted to DCS
Freedom of Information
Department for Correctional Services
C/- GPO Box 1747
Alternatively, it may be scanned and emailed to
[1][email address]
Kind regards,
Freedom of Information
Governance and Executive Support
Department for Correctional Services
Government of South Australia
Fax: 8115 5554
Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]