Private use of social media advice provided to employees
Dear Department of Finance,
This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act.
I request documents related to the ten most recent instances where an employee has sought information, advice, guidance, or opinion on their social media use in a private capacity.
I limit the scope of documents to:
- the original request from the employee
- the agency/department's response
- any follow-up questions and response
- only those sent to a relevant HR / conduct / social media (or similar) team (rather than managers across all areas of the organisation)
- where the original request was created in the last 2 years
Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours faithfully,
James Smith
Thank you for your email, which has been forwarded to the Department’s FOI
Team for their consideration. A member of the FOI Team will respond to
your email in the next couple of days.
Kind regards
FOI Coordinator
Thank you for your email to the Freedom of Information Team at the
Department of Finance. An officer will respond to your email shortly. In
the meantime, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact
the FOI Team on (02) 6215 1783.
FOI Officer, Legal Services Branch
Business Enabling Services
Department of Finance
T: 02 6215 1783 E: [1][Finance request email]
A: One Canberra Avenue, Forrest ACT 2603
Visible links
1. mailto:[Finance request email]
Dear Mr Smith
Freedom of Information Request – FOI 17/108
Thank you for your email to the Department of Finance (Finance) requesting
access to the following under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI
I request documents related to the ten most recent instances where an
employee has sought information, advice, guidance, or opinion on their
social media use in a private capacity.
I limit the scope of documents to:
- the original request from the employee
- the agency/department's response
- any follow-up questions and response
- only those sent to a relevant HR / conduct / social media (or similar)
team (rather than managers across all areas of the organisation)
- where the original request was created in the last 2 years
Your request was received by Finance on 8 August 2017. The statutory
period for processing your request commences from the day after Finance
received your request. This matter is due on 7 September 2017.
The processing period may be extended if we need to consult third parties,
impose a charge or for other reasons. We will advise you if this happens.
Liability to pay a charge
You will be notified of any charges in relation to your request as soon as
possible, before we process any requested documents or impose a final
As required by the FOI Act, any documents provided to you under the FOI
Act will be published on our [1]disclosure log, unless an exemption
applies or the documents are characterised as containing personal
information. Documents will be published within one working day after
they are released to you.
Policy to exclude junior officer contact details
Finance has adopted a policy to generally exclude from any documents
released under FOI, the names and contact details of junior staff (non-SES
officers) and staff employed under the Members of Parliament (Staff) Act
1984 (adviser level and below). Finance’s preference is to reach agreement
with FOI applicants to exclude these details from the scope of the
request. Where there is no objection, the names and contact details of
junior officers are redacted under section 22 of the FOI Act, on the basis
that these details are irrelevant to the request.
Other requests made to Comcover and Secretaries’ ICT Governance Board
The FOI team has received two additional requests from you, addressed to
Comcover and the Secretaries’ ICT Governance Board, for the same
documents. Both Comcover and the ICT Governance Board are functions
within Finance. Given this, we will consider these two requests withdrawn
from Finance unless you advise otherwise, by Monday, 14 August 2017.
Please contact the FOI Team on the below contact details if you wish to
discuss your request.
Kind regards
FOI Officer
FOI Officer, Legal and Assurance Branch
Business Enabling Services
Department of Finance
T: 02 6215 1783 E: [3][Finance request email]
A: One Canberra Avenue, Forrest ACT 2603
Visible links
3. mailto:[Finance request email]
Dear Mr Smith
Please find attached a decision in relation to FOI 17/108.
Kind regards
FOI Officer, Legal and Assurance Branch
Business Enabling Services
Department of Finance
T: 02 6215 1783
E: [2][Finance request email]
A: One Canberra Avenue, Forrest ACT 2603
Visible links
2. mailto:[Finance request email]