Police actions to enforce the ADVO put in place to protect Evelina Gavrilovic in 2006
Dear NSW Police Force,
I am a journalism student from Macleay College seeking access to documents under the Commonwealth Freedom of Information Act 1982. I would like to request any documents outlining the actions taken by New South Wales police officers to enforce the Apprehended Domestic Violence Order which granted Evelina Gavrilovic protection, between the period of February 21st, 2006, to the time of her death on April 1st 2006.
Yours faithfully,
Nikolina Matijevic
Dear Ms Matijevic
Invalid Government Information Access Application
re: Police actions to enforce the ADVO put in place to protect Evelina
Gavrilovic in 2006
Receipt is acknowledged of your correspondence requesting information
received on 23 February 2016.
Your request for information is invalid and is unable to be accepted
because it does not clearly state that it is under the Government
Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA). To assist, I have enclosed a
GIPA Act access application form for you to complete.
Please return the completed application, and your payment of $30.00.
Payment in the form of credit card (Mastercard or Visa) cheque/money
order made payable to the Commissioner of Police together with the
application form and proof of identity to:
Information Access Unit
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or alternatively if paying by credit card can be returned by email to:
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If you have any inquiries in relation to this matter, please contact this
office on (02) 8835 6888.
Team Leader
Information Access & Subpoena Unit
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New South Wales Police Force
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From: #GIPAAPP/Staff/NSWPolice
To: Linda Trost/2000790/Staff/NSWPolice@NSWPolice
Date: 23/02/2016 12:16
Subject: Fw: Government Information (Public Access) request -
Police actions to enforce the ADVO put in place to protect Evelina
Gavrilovic in 2006 [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only]
Sent by: Susan Hoesterei