Peramangk Kaurna bilateral meeting May 2001

Currently waiting for a response from National Native Title Tribunal, they should respond promptly and normally no later than (details).

Dear National Native Title Tribunal,
Please provide all documents pertaining to & generated from the Peramangk Kaurna bilateral meeting held 5th May 2001 at Nunkenwarrin Yunti Adelaide.
The NNTT was officialy represented at that forum.

Yours faithfully,
Mamoo Jungala

FOIContact, National Native Title Tribunal

2 Attachments



Dear Mamoo Jungala


Please find attached a letter acknowledging receipt of your below request
under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth).


Kind regards



Freedom of Information Officer

National Native Title Tribunal








-----Original Message-----
From: Mamoo Jungala <[FOI #11520 email]>
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2024 12:00 PM
To: FOIContact <[email address]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Peramangk Kaurna bilateral
meeting May 2001


[Some people who received this message don't often get email from
[1][FOI #11520 email]. Learn why this is
important at [2] ]


Caution: This is an external email. DO NOT click links or open attachments
unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe.



Dear National Native Title Tribunal,

Please provide all documents pertaining to & generated from the Peramangk
Kaurna bilateral meeting held 5th May 2001 at Nunkenwarrin Yunti Adelaide.

The NNTT was officialy represented at that forum.


Yours faithfully,

Mamoo Jungala




Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[3][FOI #11520 email]


Is [4][NNTT request email] the wrong address for Freedom of Information
requests to National Native Title Tribunal? If so, please contact us using
this form:



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3. mailto:[FOI #11520 email]
4. mailto:[NNTT request email]

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FOIContact, National Native Title Tribunal

1 Attachment



Dear Mamoo Jungala


I refer to your below request under the Freedom of Information Act 1982
(Cth) (‘FOI Act’) on 16 June 2024.


I write to provide an update on the progress of your request. Searches
have been conducted of the Tribunal’s electronic databases and records. No
electronic documents have been located that fall within the scope of your
request. The searches have identified some archived hard copy material
relating to the Kaurna native title claim (SC2000/001). The searches do
not indicate that there are documents within the scope of your request
contained in the hard copy material, however we can retrieve the material
from archives to confirm. It will take some further time in order to
undertake this task.


In addition, I note that in the event that there are documents within the
scope of your request within the hard copy materials, it is likely that
this material will contain personal or other information relating to
extenal parties, and as such, those external parties would need to be
consulted under the provisions of the FOI Act about the release of that


As such, I write to confrim whether you would like to proceed with
searching this material, and if so to seek your consent under s 15AA of
the FOI Act for a further period of 30 days in which to provide a formal
response to your request.


Alternatively, the Tribunal is happy to continue processing your request
administratively, outside of the provisions of the FOI Act. If you are
happy to do so, please respond to withdraw your request as a formal
request under the FOI Act, and we will then continue to retrieve the hard
copy material, search for the documents you seek, and consult with any
external parties as required.


Kind regards



Freedom of Information Officer

National Native Title Tribunal









-----Original Message-----
From: Mamoo Jungala <[FOI #11520 email]>
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2024 12:00 PM
To: FOIContact <[email address]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Peramangk Kaurna bilateral
meeting May 2001


[Some people who received this message don't often get email from
[1][FOI #11520 email]. Learn why this is
important at [2] ]


Caution: This is an external email. DO NOT click links or open attachments
unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe.



Dear National Native Title Tribunal,

Please provide all documents pertaining to & generated from the Peramangk
Kaurna bilateral meeting held 5th May 2001 at Nunkenwarrin Yunti Adelaide.

The NNTT was officialy represented at that forum.


Yours faithfully,

Mamoo Jungala




Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[3][FOI #11520 email]


Is [4][NNTT request email] the wrong address for Freedom of Information
requests to National Native Title Tribunal? If so, please contact us using
this form:



This request has been made by an individual using Right to Know. This
message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet.
More information on how Right to Know works can be found at:



Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will
be delayed.


If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.





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1. mailto:[FOI #11520 email]
3. mailto:[FOI #11520 email]
4. mailto:[NNTT request email]

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Dear FOIContact,
Thank you for your efforts.

I would like you to continue searching the hard copy archive. I can tighten the parameters. Any documents would relate to actions prior to the SC2000/001 being formally lodged; & such documents/records would have been generated through/by the NNTT Case Management Officer who attended & gave oral presentations at that meeting.

Yours sincerely,

Mamoo Jungala

FOIContact, National Native Title Tribunal

1 Attachment



Dear Mamoo Jungala


Thank you for that clarification. We will proceed to retrieve the hard
copy material. As mentioned, this will take additional time. I take it
from your response that you are happy to consent to additional time of no
more than 30 days in order to finalise these searches?


Kind regards



Freedom of Information Officer

National Native Title Tribunal









-----Original Message-----
From: Mamoo Jungala <[FOI #11520 email]>
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2024 8:19 AM
To: FOIContact <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information request - Peramangk Kaurna bilateral
meeting May 2001 [SEC=OFFICIAL]


Caution: This is an external email. DO NOT click links or open attachments
unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe.



Dear FOIContact,


Thank you for your efforts.




I would like you to continue searching the hard copy archive. I can
tighten the parameters. Any documents would relate to actions prior to the
SC2000/001 being formally lodged; & such documents/records would have been
generated through/by the NNTT Case Management Officer who attended & gave
oral presentations at that meeting.




Yours sincerely,




Mamoo Jungala




-----Original Message-----












Dear Mamoo Jungala








I refer to your below request under the Freedom of Information Act 1982


(Cth) (‘FOI Act’) on 16 June 2024.








I write to provide an update on the progress of your request. Searches


have been conducted of the Tribunal’s electronic databases and records. No


electronic documents have been located that fall within the scope of your


request. The searches have identified some archived hard copy material


relating to the Kaurna native title claim (SC2000/001). The searches do


not indicate that there are documents within the scope of your request


contained in the hard copy material, however we can retrieve the material


from archives to confirm. It will take some further time in order to


undertake this task.








In addition, I note that in the event that there are documents within the


scope of your request within the hard copy materials, it is likely that


this material will contain personal or other information relating to


extenal parties, and as such, those external parties would need to be


consulted under the provisions of the FOI Act about the release of that










As such, I write to confrim whether you would like to proceed with


searching this material, and if so to seek your consent under s 15AA of


the FOI Act for a further period of 30 days in which to provide a formal


response to your request.








Alternatively, the Tribunal is happy to continue processing your request


administratively, outside of the provisions of the FOI Act. If you are


happy to do so, please respond to withdraw your request as a formal


request under the FOI Act, and we will then continue to retrieve the hard


copy material, search for the documents you seek, and consult with any


external parties as required.








Kind regards












Freedom of Information Officer




National Native Title Tribunal






































Please use this email address for all replies to this request:


[1][FOI #11520 email]




This request has been made by an individual using Right to Know. This
message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet.
More information on how Right to Know works can be found at:






Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will
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manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.







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1. mailto:[FOI #11520 email]

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Dear FOIContact,

Yes Mike, additional time requirement is understood.

Say you do come across hard copy that requires 3rd party input b4 release, is it possible to let me know prior the titles & general nature of / subject matter? Perhaps, through potential exclusion, time could then be expedited.

BTW quite a few folk who attended that meeting are now deceased; & other represented corporate bodies may no longer exist, have had name changes, been restructured or merged.

Yours sincerely,

Mamoo Jungala

FOIContact, National Native Title Tribunal

Thank you for your email. This inbox is no longer monitored. Please direct
your enquiries to [email address]

Privacy and FOI, National Native Title Tribunal

1 Attachment



Dear Mamoo Jungala


Thank you for your below email. I confirm that I will contact you should
any documents be identified in the hard copy material requiring
third-party consultation.


Kind regards



Freedom of Information Officer

National Native Title Tribunal








-----Original Message-----
From: Mamoo Jungala <[FOI #11520 email]>
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2024 4:47 PM
To: FOIContact <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information request - Peramangk Kaurna bilateral
meeting May 2001 [SEC=OFFICIAL]


Caution: This is an external email. DO NOT click links or open attachments
unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe.



Dear FOIContact,




Yes Mike, additional time requirement is understood.




Say you do come across hard copy that requires 3rd party input b4 release,
is it possible to let me know prior the titles & general nature of /
subject matter?  Perhaps, through potential exclusion, time could then be




BTW quite a few folk who attended that meeting are now deceased; & other
represented corporate bodies may no longer exist, have had name changes,
been restructured or merged.




Yours sincerely,




Mamoo Jungala




-----Original Message-----












Dear Mamoo Jungala








Thank you for that clarification. We will proceed to retrieve the hard


copy material. As mentioned, this will take additional time. I take it


from your response that you are happy to consent to additional time of no


more than 30 days in order to finalise these searches?








Kind regards












Freedom of Information Officer




National Native Title Tribunal






































Please use this email address for all replies to this request:


[1][FOI #11520 email]




This request has been made by an individual using Right to Know. This
message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet.
More information on how Right to Know works can be found at:






Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will
be delayed.




If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.







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1. mailto:[FOI #11520 email]

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