Penalty notices statistics per NSW Residential Tenancies Act ("RTA")

Currently waiting for a response from NSW Fair Trading, they should respond promptly and normally no later than (details).

Dear NSW Fair Trading,

I would like a copy of the report you have from last financial year or similar outlining the number of penalty notices NSW Fair Trading has issues relevant to issuing RTA penalties.

It would be important for the public to understand how much focus NSW Fair Trading has put into enforcing the statutory powers and whether these powers are effectively used.

If the NSW Fair Trading has issued 0 penalty notices then I would appreciate informally be known of this fact so further inquiries on why the penalty notices are not used.

I am sure that we both appreciate saving time and cost to have transparency on this.

Yours faithfully,


FTGIPA, NSW Fair Trading

6 Attachments

OFFICIAL: Sensitive - Personal

Good afternoon,

I refer to your informal Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009
(GIPA Act) request below, seeking access to information regarding the
Residential Tenancy Act.

Specifically, you seek access to: Any report from the last financial year
or similar outlining the number of penalty notices NSW Fair Trading has
issued relevant to the Residential Tenancy Act.

This email is to advise you that your informal GIPA request has been
received by NSW Fair Trading, and that the current turnaround for informal
applications under the GIPA Act is approximately 20-30 working days.

The NSW Fair Trading GIPA Team will deal with your informal application
and will be in contact once any documents are retrieved and a decision
regarding their release has been made.

Should you have any questions in relation to the above, please do not
hesitate to contact me.

Kind Regards,


Amy Williamson

Regulatory Operations Officer - Right to Information and Privacy

Strategy & Performance
Fair Trading


T (02) 8522 7619   E [1][email address]


32 Mann Street

Gosford NSW 2250




[2][IMG]   [3][IMG]   [4][IMG]   [5][IMG]  



Dear NSW Fair Trading,


I would like a copy of the report you have from last financial year or
similar outlining the number of penalty notices NSW Fair Trading has
issues relevant to issuing RTA penalties.


It would be important for the public to understand how much focus NSW Fair
Trading has put into enforcing the statutory powers and whether these
powers are effectively used.


If the NSW Fair Trading has issued 0 penalty notices then I would
appreciate informally be known of this fact so further inquiries on why
the penalty notices are not used.


I am sure that we both appreciate saving time and cost to have
transparency on this.


Yours faithfully,




OFFICIAL: Sensitive - Personal


Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]