Outcome of 2015 case against Archbishop Julian Porteous

Rick Ford made this Right to Information request to Tasmanian Office of the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was successful.

Dear Tasmanian Office of the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner,
I have tried in vain to find the outcome of the case against Archbishop Julian Porteous in 2015 . Could you assist me in finding references to this

Yours faithfully,
Rick Ford

Equal Opportunity Tasmania (DoJ), Tasmanian Office of the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner

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EOT Complaints (DoJ), Tasmanian Office of the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner

Dear Mr Ford

Thank you for your e-mail.

Usually, Equal Opportunity Tasmania does not comment on complaints in an effort to maintain the confidentiality of the people involved.

In this case, however, the parties have made media statements about the complaint.

A media article about the outcome of the complaint can be found on-line at:

I hope this information is helpful.

Yours sincerely

Jason Wright
Investigation & Conciliation Officer

Equal Opportunity Tasmania
Phone: 1300 305 062 (in Tasmania) or (03) 6165 7515
E-mail: [Equal Opportunity Tasmania request email]
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