OPC correspondents and coments regarding "Sex Discrimination Amendment (Protecting Students) Bill 2018"

Alex Pentland made this Freedom of Information request to Office of Parliamentary Counsel

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was refused by Office of Parliamentary Counsel.

Dear Office of Parliamentary Counsel,

This is a Freedom of Information Request under the Freedom of Information Act

I request access to correspondence held by the Council relating to the proposed (but never tabled) "Sex Discrimination Amendment (Protecting Students) Bill 2018".

The bill in question can be seen in this press conference, being held up by the Prime Minister https://parlview.aph.gov.au/mediaPlayer....

Yours faithfully,

Alex Pentland

FOI, Office of Parliamentary Counsel

3 Attachments

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Good morning Alex,


In response to your FOI Request received by the Office of Parliamentary
Counsel on 21 April 2022, please find attached the decision by the
Agency’s authorised decision-maker under section 23 of the FOI Act.





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Visible links
2. mailto:[OPC request email]
3. http://www.opc.gov.au/