Number of requests for information
Dear Australian Bureau of Statistics,
What is the number of requests for information received by all authorities of Australia in 2012?
Yours faithfully,
Nathan Weaver

Matthew Landauer left an annotation ()
Right To Know was just contacted by the ABS. They say they did not receive this request. Our mail logs indicate that the email for this request was successfully delivered to their FOI email address on Feb 22 at 7:28pm.
Sent request to Australian Bureau of Statistics again.
Dear Mr Weaver,
I refer to your application/email dated 20 of March 2013 in which you seek
access to documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the Act).
You have requested, "What is the number of requests for information
received by all authorities of Australia in 2012?".
Your request was received by the agency on 20 March 2013 and the 30 days
statutory period for processing your request commenced from that date.If
this request will take longer than 30 days to process, we will contact you
to negotiate an extension of time.
You will be notified of any charges in accordance with the Freedom of
Information (Fees and Charges) Regulations, should they apply, in relation
to your request as soon as practicable.
Kind regards,
Emma Worthing
Audit, Policy and Parliamentary Liaison | Office of the Statistician and
External Engagement | Australian Bureau of Statistics
(P) (02) 6252 7943
(E) [1][email address] (W) [2]
Free publications and statistics available on
Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
Dear Mr Weaver,
Attached is the ABS response to your Freedom of Information Request.
(See attached file: [email address].au_20130322_152938.pdf)
For further information, please contact the FOI contact officer as listed
Warm Regards,
Esther Lee
Audit, Policy and Parliamentary Liaison | Office of the Statistician and
External Engagement | Australian Bureau of Statistics
(P) (02) 6252 6106 (E) [1][email address] (W) [2]
[3]Inactive hide details for Emma Worthing---22/03/2013 03:23:33 PM---Emma
Worthing Audit, Policy and Parliamentary Liaison | OEmma
Worthing---22/03/2013 03:23:33 PM---Emma Worthing Audit, Policy and
Parliamentary Liaison | Office of the Statistician and External E
Fw: FOI request
Strategic Policy & Planning (SPP) WDB Emma Worthing 22/03/2013 03:23 PM
Emma Worthing/Staff/ABS 22/03/2013 03:23 PM
Send To Strategic Policy & Planning (SPP) WDB@ABS,
Subject Fw: FOI request
Protective Mark
Visibility Public
Editors Emma Worthing/Staff/ABS, [Wkgroup]
Document Strategic Management - determines recordkeeping action
Document Id DCOO-96278K
Emma Worthing
Audit, Policy and Parliamentary Liaison | Office of the Statistician and
External Engagement | Australian Bureau of Statistics
(P) (02) 6252 7943
(E) [4][email address] (W) [5]
Alex Sadleir left an annotation ()
Data for the number of FOI requests per year since 1983 is available @
Data for the number of FOI requests received by specific agencies and broken down agency by agency in the last year is available @