Number of Privacy Breaches as reported to the OAIC since 01/03/2018

Keith Owen made this Freedom of Information request to Australian Taxation Office

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was refused by Australian Taxation Office.

Dear Australian Taxation Office,

I apply to access the following information:

The total number of Privacy Breaches as reported to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner under the new mandatory reporting requirements since 01/03/2018.

The total number of Privacy Complaints lodged by Tax Payers against the Australian Taxation Office between the period 01/06/2016 and 01/06/2017, and how many of those were substantiated.

I make this request as an administrative application to access this information. If refused on this basis, I make this request under the Freedom of Information Act.

I also make this request in the public interest, since it is imperative that the Australian Public should have confidence in Government Departments observing their privacy rights. I thus request an exemption to any fees chargeable from an administrative perspective to process this application.

Yours faithfully,

Keith Owen

FOI, Australian Taxation Office

1 Attachment

Dear FOI Applicant,
Please see attachment.
Yours faithfully,
FOI Team

show quoted sections

FOI, Australian Taxation Office

1 Attachment

Dear FOI Applicant,
Please see attachment.
Yours faithfully,
FOI Team

show quoted sections

Dear Australian Taxation Office,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Australian Taxation Office's handling of my FOI request 'Number of Privacy Breaches as reported to the OAIC since 01/03/2018'.

I know there has been at least one privacy breach concerning my own data with the ATO.

If no documents exist, then the ATO would appear to be in breach of the mandatory reporting requirements that came into effect on 01/03/2018 for at least one case - mine!

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Keith Owen

FOI, Australian Taxation Office

1 Attachment

Dear FOI Applicant,

Please see attachment.

Yours faithfully,
FOI Team

show quoted sections

Dear FOI,

Why am I not surprised that you could not identify the document concerned.

After all the ATO does not like to air its dirty laundry in public.

Now that you have confirmed no documents exist, I will be forwarding your response to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner to support my complaint about the ATO.

Yours sincerely,

Keith Owen

FOI, Australian Taxation Office

1 Attachment

Dear FOI Applicant,
Please see attachment.
Yours faithfully,
FOI Team

show quoted sections

Dear FOI,

Thank-you for your response. The matter will now be raised with the OAIC.

It might have assisted you if you had clarified what evidence I have for the existence of the document.

The responses you have provided will also now be submitted to the Senate in support of a submission that has already been completed.

Yours sincerely,

Keith Owen