Number of parking fines issued by northern beaches council for years 2022, 2023 for parking on nature strip.

The request was successful.

Dear NSW Office of State Revenue,
I have lodged a number of complaints to Northern Beaches Council regarding residents parking their vehicles dangerously across the footpaths and council owned nature strips of local streets, creating visual obstruction of pedestrians, children in particular, for on-coming motorists. .

My written complaints date back to 2021 and I have supplied photographs as well as exact locations of some of the regular offending vehicles. The council rangers refuse to take action, citing 'discretion', a power of which does not apply to them in such instances.

I have escalated my complaints to the council CEO, the Mayor and the councillors who represent my Ward. All of whom ignore my letters/emails.

I need the comparison parking fine statistics for penalties issued to vehicles overstaying specified time periods in council owned car parking areas etc., and vehicles reported for the much more dangerous offences as mentioned above.

Armed with this information I will be better able to make a submission to the Governor, under the Local Government Act, for the dismissal of those representing the council.

Yours faithfully,
Michael Eyre

GIPA-DCS, NSW Office of State Revenue

Dear Mr Eyre,

Thank you for your informal request for information with the Department of Customer Service received on 11 March 2024.

Please note that our reference number for this request is GIPA-00171-2024.

As I understand, you are seeking the number of parking fines issued by Northern Beaches Council for FY 2022-2023 for parking on nature strip.

We shall contact you as soon as there is an update on this application.

Kind regards,

Tahreem Khan (he/him)
DCS Legal
Corporate Services

T (02) 9219 3700 E [OSR request email]

McKell Building
2-24 Rawson Place
Sydney NSW 2000

I acknowledge and pay my respects to the traditional owners and custodians of the land where I walk, work and live.

show quoted sections

GIPA-DCS, NSW Office of State Revenue

Dear Mr Eyre,

I have received some advice from Revenue NSW in relation to your request.

Parking fines data for 2022 and 2023 is publicly available on Revenue NSW's website at:

Once you open the dataset, you are able to filter via different Councils. Here you can select 'Northern Beaches Council', which provides a monthly breakdown including total number and value.

This dataset however does not show the offence type. As such, Revenue NSW is asking:

1. If you could specify the types of offences you are interested in
2. If you wish to ask for all parking fines issued by Northern Beaches Council during 2022 & 2023 showing the offence description.

Looking forward to your response on this.

Kind regards,

Tahreem Khan (he/him)
DCS Legal
Corporate Services

T (02) 9219 3700 E [OSR request email]

McKell Building
2-24 Rawson Place
Sydney NSW 2000

I acknowledge and pay my respects to the traditional owners and custodians of the land where I walk, work and live.

show quoted sections

From the Status update:
"2. If you wish to ask for all parking fines issued by Northern Beaches Council during 2022 & 2023 showing the offence description."

This would be the best option. I can then select the offences that are of interest to me.

GIPA-DCS, NSW Office of State Revenue

Dear Mr Eyre,

Thanks for the confirmation - we shall proceed accordingly.

Kind regards,

DCS Legal
Corporate Services

T (02) 9219 3700 E [OSR request email]

McKell Building
2-24 Rawson Place
Sydney NSW 2000

I acknowledge and pay my respects to the traditional owners and custodians of the land where I walk, work and live.

show quoted sections

GIPA-DCS, NSW Office of State Revenue

8 Attachments

Dear Mr Eyre,


Please see the decision issued in response to your formal access
application under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 to
the Department of Customer Service at: [1]​pdf icon[2] GIPA-00171-2024 -
Informal decision.pdf


The information I have decided to release can be viewed at: [3]​pdf
icon[4] GIPA-00171-2024 - Info for release.pdf

To access these links, you may receive a request to send an access code to
your email. This code often goes to the junk folder of your email account.

If you have any questions about accessing the links, please contact me on
the details at the end of this email.


Kind regards,




Department of Customer Service

p (02) 9219 3700  e [5][OSR request email] | [6]


McKell Building

2-24 Rawson Place

Sydney NSW 2000



[7][IMG]   [8][IMG]   [9][IMG]   [10][IMG]  

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[11]Copy of koori flag2  I acknowledge and pay my respects to the
traditional owners and custodians of the land where I walk, work and live.



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5. mailto:[OSR request email]

I was unable to open any of the pdf information links that you directed to me.
This was the message I got when trying to open them:
"Sorry, this email address isn't associated with this secure link. Please contact the person who shared it with you."
I have been using my main email address only.

I have therefore withdrawn my request and have applied for the information I require from another government site.

Thanks for your attention.

Yours sincerely,

Michael Eyre

GIPA-DCS, NSW Office of State Revenue

Dear Mr Eyre,

Sorry to hear that you are having difficulty accessing the link.

I have created a fresh link if you don't mind trying again:

To access this link, you may receive a request to send an access code to your email. This code often goes to the junk folder of your email account.

If it still doesn't work, feel free to share an alternate email and I am happy to try again.

Kind regards,

Department of Customer Service
p (02) 9219 3700 e [OSR request email] |

McKell Building
2-24 Rawson Place
Sydney NSW 2000

Please consider the environment before printing this email
I acknowledge and pay my respects to the traditional owners and custodians of the land where I walk, work and live.

show quoted sections

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