Number of emergency response appliances and operational classification, purchased during financial years ending 2014, 2015, and 2016
Dear South Australian Country Fire Service,
Please advise how many emergency response appliances were purchased for the financial years ending 2014, 2015, and 2016, and their operational classification/title (e.g. pumping appliance and type, aerial/ladder appliance, hazmat etc).
Yours faithfully,
David Hartley
Hello David
Thank you for your email which has been forwarded onto the CFS FOI Officer
for a response to your enquiry.
Rosemary Wrightson
CFS Administration Supervisor
South Australian Country Fire Service
Level 5, 60 Waymouth Street
T 08 8463 4166 | F 08 8211 9555 | M 0401 273 913 | E
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Mr Hartley
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SA Country Fire Service
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Evelyn Dunnicliff
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South Australian Country Fire Service
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