Names of schools what got tested in 2015
Dear Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority,
Please can you give me a copy of a document that shows the names of
all the schools what got tested in 2015 or else a copy of a document that shows the names of all the schools that are going to be on My School next year.. One document is enough if there's more that one.
My request is under the Freedom of Information Act.
Yours faithfully,
Kylie Smith
Dear Mr Matheson,
Every time before I think you've sent me the info or a link. I don't want to make it be a hassle for you, so if you can't do the same thing this time then don't worry about it. I'll just wait until next year, OK?
Yours sincerely,
Kylie Smith
Dear Ms Smith
At this point in time ACARA would not usually be publishing information about schools involved in NAPLAN 2015 testing. ACARA will publish a list of Australian schools in 2016 following release of corresponding data on My School in the first quarter of 2016 (including NAPLAN 2015 test results). It will most likely be May 2016 when this list is published. The list of schools that will be reported on My School in 2016 has not yet been validated and finalised.
ACARA does hold a list of schools involved in NAPLAN testing in 2015, but this is not the same list of schools that will be published on My School. If you wish to proceed with your request, I would anticipate that ACARA will release the list of schools that participated in NAPLAN 2015 testing.
Alternatively, if you wish to withdraw your Freedom of Information request, please let me know.
Dear Mr Matheson,
Thank you very much for your reply. There's no need to go to any trouble. I'll just wait, so please cancel my request.
Yours sincerely,
Kylie Smith
Dear Ms Smith
Thank you for taking into consideration our time/resources. I will treat your FOI request as withdrawn.
As noted below, we will now as a matter of course be publishing a list of Australian schools. Don't hesitate to get in touch to check on timing of release. You may of course also exercise your FOI rights again in future with respect to the list.
Kind regards