Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority

Part of the Education and Training portfolio and a Federal authority, also called ACARA

Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) is responsible for a national curriculum from kindergarten to Year 12, a national assessment program that measures students' progress and a national data collection and reporting program that supports analysis, evaluation, research and resource allocation, and accountability and reporting.

20 requests
I am following up regarding my previous Freedom of Information Request. Acknowledging the delay caused by the holiday periods (happy holidays, for...
Rereading ACARA's response to my request, I'm struck by how (deliberately?) uninformative it is. Instead of saying, for example, that ACARA relies of s...
The agency did not actually refuse the request. They just told the applicant not to bother pursuing their request.
Dear Ben   In response to your request below, I attach ACARA’s administrative release decision and the requested document.   Kind regards  ...
Dear Eddie   I refer to your Freedom of Information request and my response dated 15 June 2018. As I have not heard from you, unless you let me...
My School Data

Partially successful.

Dear Lauren Thanks for your emails. My name is Peter Matheson, Board Secretary, Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA). ACA...
Dear Mr Rose   I confirm that your Freedom of Information (FOI) request to the Minister for Education and Training (Cth) has been transferred to ACA...
FOI INTERNAL REVIEW DECISION 3 June 2016 F16/27-28 Mr Josh Jones Right to Know website: Dear Mr Jones Your FOI internal rev...
In November I asked for the information and they told me it wasn't available. "ACARA does hold a list of schools involved in NAPLAN testing in 2015, bu...
Dear Ms Smith Thank you for taking into consideration our time/resources. I will treat your FOI request as withdrawn. As noted below, we will now as...
Cost of legal advice in 2011

Partially successful.

Many thanks for the information in your email of 27 August 2015. Yours sincerely, Mark R. Diamond
Dear Mr Jowsey Please refer to my responses to your previous enquiries, available here:
Dear Mr Jowsey ACARA does not hold identified student NAPLAN results (i.e. does not hold student names or any other means of identification) so it can...
Dear Ms Smith Thank you for both withdrawing your FOI and agreeing to close the request via Right to Know. Happy to be able to assist. Best wishes Pe...
The documents are interesting primarily for what they do not contain, rather than what they do ... by which I most definitely do not mean to imply that...
Dear Ms Smith Thank-you for your prompt response and for withdrawing your FOI request. I'm very pleased that we were able to point you towards the inf...
Thank you very much for your reply to my request, for your help in sending me the tables from earlier years, and for guiding my request for the 2013...
I'm sorry about the subject line. I can see on the preview of my email that it says "Fake response" and I can't change it. I don't know why. The r...
Request to Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority by Red. Annotated by Red on .


I have made an application to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) for review of this decision.
Dear Mr Carter,   Thank you for your query of 21 July regarding the use of the phrase “fossil fuels” in the Australian Curriculum: Science. I apol...

Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?