Name on Electoral
Dear Australian Electoral Commission,
I have a home with joint names Necati Avci and would like to sell my share but don't know if he is alive lost contact I need to know if he is on the electorate.
Yours faithfully,
Miss Emine Avci.
[email address]
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Dear Emine,
Thank you for your email. You may be able to find Necati Avci’s name on
the electoral roll.
You can find information on how to view the entire current electoral roll
at [1] . The
publicly available roll does not contain telephone numbers or email
You may not copy, record or photograph any information from the electoral
roll with any electronic device. Unfortunately the Australian Electoral
Commission (AEC) is legally unable to provide any assistance in this
matter. While the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 (Electoral Act)
requires the AEC to provide certain information on the current public
version of the Roll at our premises, that is the only information about
another elector that we are able to lawfully disclose. This is made clear
by a number of statutory provisions.
Yours sincerely,
Angela | Public Enquiries Officer
Communication Services Section | Education & Communications Branch
Australian Electoral Commission
[2]Australian Electoral Commission logo [3]Australian Electoral Commission