Monetary or non-monetary benefits provided to Not Centralised
Dear Reserve Bank of Australia,
I write to you requesting clarification behind the exact relationship that has been fostered with Not Centralised pertaining to the pilot of CBDC rollout.
I have been informed by co-founders of that entity that they are subject to an NDA relating to this matter and so make an FOI request to appreciate the specifics that occur.
In particular, I find it of utmost public interest to appreciate the level of colloboration between the RBA and Not Centralised because they tout to their community they are representative of the cryptocurrency ecosystem in Australia all the whilst not only advocating for the CBDC rollout but perhaps having pecuniary interests as well that would better inform both myself and other people to partake in their activites going forward if for instance, a person is against the rollout
Yours faithfully,
-Adam Coombes
Dear Mr Coombes,
I refer to your message below and advise, that in its current form, your
questions are not valid in terms of [1]section 15(2)(b) of the Freedom of
Information Act 1982 (Cth).
This is easy to rectify, and is only because the Act concerns itself with
access to documents (rather than asking questions/seeking 'information
about' a particular issue). It means that, to be valid, any request we
receive must be seeking access to documents that show whatever the issue
is that is being asked about.
Accordingly, could you please reframe your question in such terms. Note
that subjective/difficult to measure statements such as 'exact
relationship' and 'level of collaboration' are unlikely to be things we
can consider, but you are welcome to reframe those concepts in terms that
might possibly be found in documents that might exist. I cannot suggest to
you what you should ask, but am available to discuss your request with you
(either via email or phone) if you want to seek clarification of anything.
In any revised question you submit, you should also include a date range
over which we should conduct document searches to see what might be
relevant to your request.
Yours sincerely
Phil Lomas | FOI Officer
RESERVE BANK OF AUSTRALIA | 65 Martin Place, Sydney NSW 2000
p: +61 414 868 623 | e: [RBA request email] | w: