Misconduct of staff
Dear Australian Securities and Investments Commission,
I request any relevant document(s) which summarise misconduct by ASIC staff.
I would like to see the broad spectrum of offences committed, and what the resulting consequences were for staff generally, in addition to the types of offences, and the number of occurrences of each offence.
If such a document exists which covers any, or all, of these matters for a recent, full financial-year period (eg, 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17).
Yours faithfully,
Dear Julie,
Please see attached letter.
Nicky Peacocke |Employee Relations Manager | People & Development | ASIC
| Sydney |
( 02 9911 5469 (x25469) |Ë0466 447 839 |* [email address]
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1. https://www.moneysmart.gov.au/
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