Minutes of all meetings of the Defence SA Advisory Board (2007-present)
To Defence SA's Freedom of Information Officer,
I am writing to request access to digital copies (scans) of all minutes of all meetings of the Defence SA Advisory Board from its establishment in 2007 until present. I am making this request under the Freedom of Information Act 1991.
Yours faithfully,
Dan Monceaux
I refer to the FOI request from Mr Dan Monceaux as below and provide the
following information to enable Mr Monceaux to progress his request.
* The request should be submitted on the FOI request form available from
the Defence SA Web site, or the State Records web site.
* Alternatively the request can be in letter form but;
In accordance with the Act, applications for access to documents held by
the agency must:
* Be made in writing – you may choose to write a letter or use the
application form
* Specify that the application is made under the Freedom of Information
Act 1991
* Be accompanied by a $33.50 application fee (exemptions apply for
Members of Parliament and pensioners or health card holders)
* Specify an address in Australia to which information can be sent
* Clearly identify the documents being sought or the matter to which
they pertain
* Specify whether the documents contain information of a personal
nature, and
* Specify the desired type of access to the document, such as inspection
of the document at an arranged location or having a copy made.
Applications under the Act should be forwarded to:
The Accredited FOI Officer
Defence SA
PO Box 3643
Tel: (08) 8463 7140
Email: [1][Defence SA request email]
* All FOI requests must be accompanied by the standard FOI application
fee, currently $33.50
* Based on the proposed wording of the request, this will involve
significant additional time on the part of the agency to process and
there will be an additional fee payable. Should Mr Monceaux wish to
proceed with the request in the current form, I will provide an
estimate of the total cost on receipt of the appropriate formal
request and fee payment.
Alternatively, if there is a particular matter or topic that Mr Monceaux
is particularly interested in, or if the time period can be reduced, the
workload involved can be compressed thereby reducing the time impact on
the agency, but also the cost for the applicant. I would be happy to
discuss with Mr Monceaux to assist him refine the request in this regard.
Rob Barnett|Executive Director Corporate Services
T:+61 (0)8 8463 7176
M:+61 (0)419 293 913
F:+61 (0)8 8463 7150
PO Box 3643, Rundle Mall SA 5000
Level 4, 151 Pirie Street, Adelaide SA 5000
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access by anyone else is unauthorised. If you are not the intended
recipient, any disclosure, copying, storage or distribution is prohibited
and may be unlawful. If you are not the intended recipient please delete
all copies and immediately contact the sender by return e-mail or by
calling +61 8 8463 7140. Defence SA does not warrant, represent or
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transmission, nor that it is free of errors, virus or interference. This
e-mail and any attachments should be scanned for viruses before being
opened. The statements in this email and any attachments to it do not bind
Defence SA unless stated to do so.
Dear Mr Barnett,
Thanks for your email clarifying processes for FoI applications.
I just rang your office to ask about payment options. Could you please advise whether over-the-phone payment is possible? If not, to whom should a check be made out, or where should a cash payment be delivered to?
I have filled out the form you directed me to in readiness to lodge.
Many thanks,
Dan Monceaux

Dan Monceaux left an annotation ()
On September 21, I received a phonecall from Rob Barnett, who attempted to persuade me to make a more specific FoI request.
He asked me what I was looking for, and I mentioned a few things. He then told me that he had googled me, and that he didn't think I would find what I was looking for in the minutes requested. He also told me that the agency has a total staff of 30 people, and gets very few FoI requests, and that he would striggle to fulfil it around other work expectations. He argued that the FoI as currently drafted would give him a significant new workload. When I suggested I would consider reducing the number of years covered by my request he offered no encouragement. I told him that I would consider reducing the number of year covered by the request and would make a payment next week.
Dear Mr Barnett,
I am writing to withdraw my recent request initiated (but not paid for, nor formalised) under the Freedom of Information Act 1991.
Yours sincerely,
Dan Monceaux
Dan Monceaux left an annotation ()
I've just called Defence SA to ask whether phone/credit card payment of the lodgement fee of $33.50 is possible. Otherwise I need to know where to take a cash payment, or who to make out a check to. I'm expecting a call back soon.