Ministerial Diary
Dear Chief Minister, Treasury And Economic Development Directorate - ACT,
Could you please provide a copy of diaries of the Minister or Ministers in your portfolio for Monday 5 September to Friday 9 September 2016 (inclusive).
For the definition of diary under this request please use the meaning of diary in the ACT Freedom of Information Act 2016.
Yours faithfully,
Jackson Gothe-Snape
Dear Mr Gothe-Snape
Please find attached a letter acknowledging your Freedom of Information request below.
Corinne Thompson | Project Officer | Governance
Corporate Management | Email: [email address]
Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate | ACT Government
Please consider the environment before printing this email. If printing is necessary, print double-sided and black and white.
Dear Mr Gothe-Snape
Please find attached a letter, schedule and document from Ms Kirsten Thompson, Director of Corporate Management, in response to your Freedom of Information request.
Corinne Thompson | Project Officer | Governance
Corporate Management | Email: [email address]
Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate | ACT Government
Please consider the environment before printing this email. If printing is necessary, print double-sided and black and white.