Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Department of Health should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear Department of Health,

I would like to request that the public receive all of the information which the Australian Federal Government or any State/Territory Governments had regarding the MRNA COVID-19 "Vaccines" in the year 2021 at the time of the "vaccine" rollout, specifically on the subjects of:
-The known and potential side effects (Eg. Myocarditis, Infertility),
-Contamination of the contents of the shots with other substances (Eg. DNA),
-Whether or not these "vaccines" prevented infection or transmission
-Whether or not the "vaccines" in question remains in your body for any extended period of time (longer than two weeks)
-Whether or not any properties of or caused by the vaccines in question are passed down to offspring of the covid-19 "vaccinated".

This is a very important matter and serious follow-ups are required if any branches of Government had knowledge of negative or important factors and effects of these "vaccines" and still encouraged people to receive them and did not tell the citizens of the Commonwealth of Australia about these effects, or even lied about them (Eg. Saying the "vaccines" prevented transmission in advertismens when it is now known that there was NEVER any evidence of this whatsoever).
I would like to make it clear that I wish to receive a detailed report on ALL of the knowledge the Australian Government had on these topics at the time of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

Yours faithfully,
David Malcolm

TGA FOI, Department of Health

3 Attachments

Dear Mr Malcolm


Please find attached correspondence in relation to your Freedom of
Information request.


As outlined in the attached letter, pursuant to section 24AB(8) of the
Freedom of Information Act 1982, the processing time for your request has
been set aside to allow for the commencement of the request consultation


During the consultation period, the FOI team (in collaboration with the
relevant line area) are available to assist you in revising the scope of
your request so that the practical refusal reason no longer exists, as is
required under the FOI Act. Our aim during the consultation period is to
assist you to define a revised scope which can then be formally submitted
so that processing of your request may continue, and a practical refusal
decision may be avoided.


To assist you further, you may also consider submitting a draft revised
scope to us for consideration during the request consultation period. We
will then liaise with the relevant TGA line area on your behalf and
provide you with advice as to whether your amended scope is now considered
reasonable to process.  


The request consultation period currently expires on 8 May 2024.
Therefore, we seek your response prior to this date. We would be happy to
extend the consultation process under section 24AB(5) of the FOI Act
should the initial 14 day period not be sufficient to reach agreement. 


Please note, once you formally submit a revised scope to us, the
processing clock will recommence and processing of your request will
continue. If the revised scope remains unreasonable to process, the
decision maker may decide to refuse your request under section 24 of the
FOI Act.  


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the FOI Team.


Karen Bedford | Emily May | Tara Condon | Christina Bush | Lily Espinosa

Therapeutic Goods Administration

Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care
Address: PO Box 100, Woden ACT, 2606, Australia
Email: [1][email address]

+ 61 2 6289 4630


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TGA FOI, Department of Health

6 Attachments

Dear Mr Malcolm


We are writing to remind you that a response to the request consultation
notice issued to you (below and attached) is due by Wednesday 8 May 2024. 


As noted in the attached letter sent to you on 24 April 2024, before the
end of the 14-day consultation period, you must do one of the following:


• withdraw your request;

• make a revised request; or

• indicate that you do not wish to revise your request.


As mentioned below, you may wish to consider submitting a draft revised
scope to us for consideration during the request consultation period. We
will then liaise with the relevant TGA line area on your behalf and
provide you with advice as to whether your amended scope is now considered
reasonable to process.  


If you require further time to consider a response, please let us know and
we would be happy to extend the request consultation process timeframe.


If you would like to discuss or have any questions, please feel free to
contact the FOI team, either by responding to this email or calling on
(02) 6289 4630.


Kind regards


Freedom of Information

Therapeutic Goods Administration

Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care

T: 02 6289 4630 | E: [1][email address]

PO Box 100, Woden ACT 2606, Australia

Web: [2]




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and may contain confidential or legally privileged information. If you are
not the intended recipient, you are notified that any use or dissemination
of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you receive this
transmission in error please notify the author immediately and delete all
copies of this transmission.


The Department of Health acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of
Australia and their continued connection to land, sea and community. We
pay our respects to all Elders past and present.


From: TGA FOI [6][email address]
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2024 4:14 PM
To: '[FOI #11266 email]'
[7][FOI #11266 email]
Cc: TGA FOI [8][email address]
Subject: Request consultation - FOI 5043

Dear Mr Malcolm 

Please find attached correspondence in relation to your Freedom of
Information request.

As outlined in the attached letter, pursuant to section 24AB(8) of the
Freedom of Information Act 1982, the processing time for your request has
been set aside to allow for the commencement of the request consultation

During the consultation period, the FOI team (in collaboration with the
relevant line area) are available to assist you in revising the scope of
your request so that the practical refusal reason no longer exists, as is
required under the FOI Act. Our aim during the consultation period is to
assist you to define a revised scope which can then be formally submitted
so that processing of your request may continue, and a practical refusal
decision may be avoided.

To assist you further, you may also consider submitting a draft revised
scope to us for consideration during the request consultation period. We
will then liaise with the relevant TGA line area on your behalf and
provide you with advice as to whether your amended scope is now considered
reasonable to process.  

The request consultation period currently expires on 8 May 2024.
Therefore, we seek your response prior to this date. We would be happy to
extend the consultation process under section 24AB(5) of the FOI Act
should the initial 14 day period not be sufficient to reach agreement. 

Please note, once you formally submit a revised scope to us, the
processing clock will recommence and processing of your request will
continue. If the revised scope remains unreasonable to process, the
decision maker may decide to refuse your request under section 24 of the
FOI Act. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the FOI


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If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any use or
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and delete all copies of this transmission."


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7. mailto:[FOI #11266 email]
8. mailto:[email address]

Here is the clarification I emailed to the email address provided:

I would like to clarify my request. What I am asking for, is whether the Australian Government had any knowledge of side effects of or relevant issues with the MRNA COVID-19 Vaccines by Pfizer, Moderna, and Astrazenneca on the topics of:

-The shots' potential to cause Myocarditis, Infertility, Blood Clots, Heart Arrhythmias or other cardiovascular conditions, Loss of Vision, Loss of other senses such as taste and smell
-Contamination of the contents of the shots with other substances such as DNA, Heavy Metals, or whether they contained any such substances for any reason.
-Whether or not these "vaccines" prevented infection or transmission
-Whether or not the "vaccines" in question remains in your body for any extended period of time (longer than two weeks)
-Whether or not any properties of or caused by the vaccines in question can be passed down to offspring of the covid-19 "vaccinated"
-Whether or not the shots may cause developmental issues or changes in children who received the shots as an infant, or whose mother received it whilst pregnant, or who received it at any point before adolescent development is finished, or who have not received but whose parents did receive it prior to the child's conception
-Whether the shots may cause or be a relevant factor to miscarriages, stillbirths, or infant mortality
-Whether the shots actually have any ability to prevent transmission from or initial infection in those who have received the shots.

I am not asking for companies such as Pfizer to be contacted, I am asking for what knowledge of these issues the Australian Government had at the beginning of the vaccine rollout, and has now.

I would ask that this request be given particular time and scrutiny, as it is one of great importance, especially to those who believe to have been harmed by the shots, or are worried they may develop issues caused by the shots.

Footnote: 'the shots' and "the vaccines" here refers to the MRNA COVID-19 Vaccinations made by Pfizer, Moderna, and Astrazenneca

I hope to hear back soon.

TGA FOI, Department of Health

5 Attachments

Dear Mr Malcolm


Please find attached correspondence in relation to your Freedom of
Information request.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the FOI Team.


Kind regards


Freedom of Information

Therapeutic Goods Administration

Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care

T: 02 6289 4630 | E: [1][email address]

PO Box 100, Woden ACT 2606, Australia

Web: [2]




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and may contain confidential or legally privileged information. If you are
not the intended recipient, you are notified that any use or dissemination
of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you receive this
transmission in error please notify the author immediately and delete all
copies of this transmission.


The Department of Health acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of
Australia and their continued connection to land, sea and community. We
pay our respects to all Elders past and present.




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