John Mallet Kent (Jack Kent) involved in Australian Architecture Students Association, 1964 to1969

John Kent made this Freedom of Information request to Australian Security Intelligence Organisation
This authority is not subject to FOI law, so is not legally obliged to respond (details).

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

Australian Security Intelligence Organisation did not have the information requested.

Dear Australian Security Intelligence Organisation,

Do you hold any information on the Australian Architecture Students Association activities between 1964 and 1969.

In particular matters arising from association with Senior Boland and a group of South African architecture students being prohibited from attending a convention held in 1966, in Perth, Western Australia.

Yours faithfully,

John M Kent

ASIO.BLU, Australian Security Intelligence Organisation

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED

Dear Mr Kent,


Thank you for your email to this organisation requesting information under
the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act). Please note that the
Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) is an exempt agency
under subsection 7(1) of the FOI Act and it is therefore not possible to
access any ASIO records under this legislation.


However, it is possible to request access to ASIO’s historical records
under the provisions of the Archives Act 1983. Unfortunately, ASIO does
not process information requests direct from members of the public. The
appropriate course of action is to request any historical records through
the National Archives of Australia (NAA). The NAA administers these
requests and all applications must be made through them. Their website is


However, to assist you we have conducted a search of our indices using the
sparse details identified in your email to us. Unfortunately we failed to
locate any reference to the organisation identified in your email (the
Australian Architecture Students Association). The other names identified
in your email did not provide enough information to locate any records. We
recommend you contact the NAA and submit a detailed Application For Access
through their website (




ASIO Business Liaison Unit


(02) 6234 1668


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FOI WARNING: Exempt document under Freedom of Information Act 1982. Refer
related FOI requests to Attorney-General's Department Canberra.


Dear Australian Security Intelligence Organisation,


Do you hold any information on the Australian Architecture Students
Association activities between 1964 and 1969.


In particular matters arising from association with Senior Boland and a
group of South African architecture students being prohibited from
attending a convention held in 1966, in Perth, Western Australia.


Yours faithfully,


John M Kent




Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[2][FOI #1149 email]


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requests to Australian Security Intelligence Organisation? If so, please
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Classification: UNCLASSIFIED

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immediately by email and delete the email and any attached files from your

FOI WARNING: Exempt document under Freedom of Information Act 1982. Refer
related FOI requests to Attorney-General's Department Canberra.


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