Information on NSW medical intern hospital position allocation
Dear Health Education and Training Institute NSW (HETI),
I am requesting documentation pertaining to the process by which medical school graduates are allocated to NSW intern positions across the 15 NSW public hospital networks through the optimised allocation (OA) pathway.
Specifically, I would like documentation covering the following points:
- The number of intern positions available at each OA-allocated network for the 2024 and 2025 internship years
- Details on the number of allocation swaps that occurred between candidates for the 2024 internship year
- Details on the prioritisation/randomisation algorithm(s) used to allocate graduates to intern positions through the OA pathway, and the logic that is employed to attempt to maximise the number of graduates allocated to their most desired placements, including both simple and technical documentation where available
- Details on the number of applicants whose OA pathway allocations were manually determined or altered (that is, cases where an applicant's allocation was either not made through the normal procedure, or was made through the normal procedure and later changed by hand), and whether each of these alterations occurred through documented pathways (e.g. Extenuating Circumstances/Change in Personal Circumstances) or through internal/informal mechanisms
- Any requests that were received from NSW government staff, including HETI and NSW Health personnel, requesting that a graduate's OA allocation be made/altered manually outside of documented pathways, and the outcome of these requests
- Details on the reason for any OA allocation alterations that occurred NOT through documented pathways for alteration of allocations
Documentation could come in many forms, but I expect for the purposes of this request is likely to include internal policies, guidelines, memos, email and/or paper communications, whitepapers, and computer code or pseudocode or other technical documentation.
Yours faithfully,
C. F.
Sent request to Health Education and Training Institute NSW (HETI) again, using a new contact address.
Sent request to Health Education and Training Institute NSW (HETI) again, using a new contact address.

Ben Fairless left an annotation ()
We have now got a valid email address for HETI! I have re-sent the request through the website.
They were a bit confused about who we were, but hopefully I've given them enough information to explain who we are and these sort of requests.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I refer to your request received through Mr. Ben Fairless from Right to
Know as per the email trail below. As per Mr. Fairless’ advice this
afternoon, I am forwarding you the attached form to the email provided to
you by Right to Know for submitting a formal GIPA request. Please email
your request to [1][HETI request email].
Kind regards
Ravi Srinivasan
Right to Information Officer
Health Education and Training Institute
T 02 9844 6502
E [2][email address]
I acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which I live and
work and pay my respect to Elders past, present and emerging.
Disclaimer: This message is intended for the addressee named and may
contain confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient,
please delete it and notify the sender. Views expressed in this message
are those of the individual sender, and are not necessarily the views of
NSW Health or the Health Education and Training Institute.
On August 6, 2024 at 1:26 PM, HETI-CEOffice
([4][HETI request email]) wrote:
Dear Ben
Thank you for your email, which was received at the correct address for
this type of request.
Based on the information provided, please complete the attached form to
initiate a formal GIPA request
Shika Raju
Executive Officer, Office of the Chief Executive
Health Education and Training Institute
T 02 9461 7045 M 0475 401 548 E [5][email address]
Level 2, 1 Reserve Road
St Leonards, NSW 2065
[7]image001.png [8]image002.png
From: Right To Know <[9][Right to Know contact email]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 6, 2024 12:05 PM
To: HETI-Info <[10][email address]>; HETI-CEOffice
<[11][HETI request email]>
Subject: Public Access to Information under GIPA
You don't often get email from [12][Right to Know contact email].
[13]Learn why this is important
Hello HETI team,
My name is Ben, and I work for the OpenAustralia Foundation. We run a
service called Right to Know that allows people to request information
from the government.
I'm trying to find a contact email address for the informal access
request team. According to
correct email address is [15][email address], however a
request sent to that email received a bounce back (see here:
Can you advise the best email address to use for a request like this?
Kind Regards,
Ben Fairless
[17]OpenAustralia Foundation
[18]openaustralia | [19]planningalerts | [20]righttoknow | [21]theyvoteforyou | [22]morph
This email is intended for the addressee named and may contain
confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, you
must not disclose, copy or distribute this email. If you have received
this email in error, please notify the sender immediately, delete it
from your system and destroy any copies.
Views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, and
are not necessarily the views of NSW Health or any of its entities.
<HETI - gipa-application-form.pdf>
This email is intended for the addressee named and may contain
confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, you must
not disclose, copy or distribute this email. If you have received this
email in error, please notify the sender immediately, delete it from your
system and destroy any copies.
Views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, and
are not necessarily the views of NSW Health or any of its entities.
Visible links
1. mailto:[HETI request email]
2. mailto:[email address]
4. mailto:[HETI request email]
5. mailto:[email address]
9. mailto:[Right to Know contact email]
10. mailto:[email address]
11. mailto:[HETI request email]
12. mailto:[Right to Know contact email]
15. mailto:[email address]
Ben Fairless left an annotation ()
We have reached out to HETI to try and get a valid email address, as the one listed on their website clearly isn't correct.