Infomation on complaints made against Ian Mason real estate agent, Mason Property Group and Raine&Horne of Beverly Hills NSW and Willow Realty of Rockdale NSW

Lisa Brennan made this Government Information (Public Access) request to NSW Fair Trading

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, NSW Fair Trading should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear NSW Fair Trading,

Is it possible to release any info on any previous complaints made against the following:

Ian Mason real estate agent
Mason Property Group Beverly Hills NSW (no longer in operation)
Raine and Horne real estate in Beverly Hills NSW
Willow Realty of Rockdale NSW
Homedale Properties of Campsie NSW

Yours faithfully,
Lisa Brennan

Alicia Facal,

2 Attachments

Good morning Lisa


Apologies for the delay in responding.


Any applications for requests to government information must be made on
the relevant application forms. Please find following the link to the
Department of Finance, Services and Innovation’s (DFSI) page on how to
access DFSI information:


This gives a rundown of the process and has links to an online lodgement
form as well as a downloadable PDF form. There is a $30 fee that must be
paid when you lodge and this can either be done via EFT payment or by
sending a cheque or money order. The details of how to make payment is on
the application form. I’ve also attached a PDF version of the form.


Should you need further assistance, please give me a call on either of the
numbers listed below.




Alicia Facal
Advisor (GIPA and Privacy), Ministerial Services

Government and Corporate Services  |  Department of Finance, Services and
p 02 9372 7109 |  GIPA HOTLINE 02 9619 8672 
[2][email address]  |  [3]
Level 22, McKell Building, Rawson Place, Sydney NSW 2000



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Hi Lisa,

Possibly, however as these are third parties this will need to be decided using the formal application process under the Government Information( Public Access) Act 2009.

I have included a link to our information pages on how to make an application for this information here

Please don’t hesitate to contact me and my Team directly on our GIPA Hotline on 9619 8672.

Kind regards

Anne Harrison
Manager, Ministerial Services (GIPA/Privacy)

Ministerial Services  |  Department of Finance, Services and Innovation
GIPA HOTLINE 9619 8672
e [email address]  |

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