Indigenous Suicide numbers by age and sex, and youth justice system engagement numbers by age and sex for Great Southern WA

Currently waiting for a response from Western Australia Police, they should respond promptly and normally no later than (details).

Dear Western Australia Police,

Please provide the following information:
a. number, sex and age of Aboriginal youth suicide victims in the Great Southern each year for the past 10 years
a. number , sex and age of Aboriginal youth engaged with the justice system over the same period in the Great Southern, and Western Australia

Yours faithfully,

Juliet Grist
Company Secretary
Nowanup Noongar Boodjar Limited

Freedom Of Information SMAIL, Western Australia Police

5 Attachments

Our Ref: FOI/2024/3509

Good afternoon,

Thank you for your application received on 11^th December 2024 requesting
access to documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1992 (the FOI
Act). Your request is currently being processed by this office in
accordance with the FOI Act. 

Your application is currently invalid under section 12 of the FOI Act:

12.          Access application, form etc. of

        (1)      The access application has to —

                        (a)      be in writing; and

                        (b)      give enough information to enable the
requested documents to be identified; and

                        (c)      give an address in Australia to which
notices under this Act can be sent; and

                        (d)      give any other information or details
required under the regulations; and

                        (e)      be lodged at an office of the agency with
any application fee payable under the regulations.

        (2)      The access application may request that access to the
documents be given in a particular way described in section 27(1).

        (3)      An application may be lodged by delivery by hand, post or
facsimile at an office of the agency to which it is directed.

        (4)      If an application is lodged with an agency by post it is
to be regarded as having been lodged with the agency at the end of the
fifth day after it was posted.

        (5)      If an application is lodged with an agency by facsimile
it is to be regarded as having been lodged with the agency on the day on
which it is transmitted.


Due to the nature of your request, a Non-Personal application is likely to
provide a more complete copy of releasable documents. A Non-Personal
application excludes the personal information of private citizens. This
type of application attracts a legislated fee of $30.

You can submit a Non-Personal application online [1]by clicking this link
and in the “Document Description” quote FOI/2024/3509 only.


Alternatively, this payment can be made by cheque or money order made
payable to the Commissioner of Police and posted to:

Freedom of Information
Western Australia Police Force
Locked Bag 20
Perth Business Centre WA 6849

Please quote FOI/2024/3509 with your cheque.


Please note that under the FOI Act, access applications can be dealt with
within 45 days from the date the application is made valid. However, it is
also permitted for an extension of time to be agreed upon between the
agency and an applicant. As your application is not valid it will not be
progressed until a valid address has been provided.


Kind Regards


[2]WA A/FOI Support Officer
Public Access – Office of Information Management

Western Australia Police Force

T: (08) 6229 5900

E: [3][email address] |
W: [4]




show quoted sections

Dear Freedom Of Information SMAIL,

I have been in contact with WA Police who cannot progresst an FOI request via your site - I needed to do it directly with them and pay the appropriate fee. This is now complete and so I will close out this request.

Yours sincerely,

Juliet Grist

Freedom Of Information SMAIL, Western Australia Police

2 Attachments

Good afternoon,


Please be advised this SMAIL address is the direct email for WA Police
Freedom of Information.


Your file 24/3509 is currently allocated to one of our FOI officers for


Kind regards,


Tayleisha Robinson | 62454 | FOI Support Officer

Public Access | Office of Information Management

Western Australia Police Force

T: (08) 6229 5825

E: [1][email address] | W:



show quoted sections

D'ROZARIO Tegan [PD87661], Western Australia Police

2 Attachments

Good Afternoon Ms Grist,


I am the FOI officer processing your below request.


You request is made up of two parts:


o number, sex and age of Aboriginal youth suicide victims in the Great
Southern each year for the past 10 years
o number, sex and age of Aboriginal youth engaged with the justice
system over the same period in the Great Southern and Western


Can you please confirm if both points relate to persons who are/were
incaserated/in prison in the past 10 years (01/01/14 to 31/12/24)?


Could you also please expand on what you mean by ‘engaged’ as that is a
broad term?


I will only be able to progress your application once a response to the
above is provided as at this stage im unable to identify what documents
may be held with our agency that may meet the scope of your request.


Please respond as soon as possible or by close of business Friday 10
January 2025.


Kind regards,



Tegan D’Rozario | 87661 | Freedom of Information Officer

Public Access | Office of Information Management

Western Australia Police Force

T: (08) 6229 5914

E: [1]tegan.d’[email address] | W: [2]



show quoted sections

Dear D'ROZARIO Tegan [PD87661],

Thank you for your email. The information requested is not related - that is youth suicide numbers is total youth suicide (aboriginal) NOT just those in custody. It would be helpful to know total youth suicide numbers also (so that we can derive Aboriginal as a proportion).

For Engagement with the Youth Justice System, it would be helpful to know both the numbers of aboriginal youth charged with an offence, and also the numbers of those charged that received a guilty verdict (and so had some form of justice consequence).

I very much appreciate your assistance in this matter.

Yours sincerely,

Juliet Grist

D'ROZARIO Tegan [PD87661], Western Australia Police

2 Attachments

Good morning Ms Grist,


Thank you for your below email.


To avoid any miscommunication about the documents you are requesting we
must be clear on the final request (ambit & scope).


Please confirm if the below is the correct interpretation of the scope of
your request:


From the 1 January 2014 to the 31 December 2024 (10 years) in the Great
Southern regions being, [1]Albany, [2]Broomehill,
Tambellup, [3]Cranbrook, [4]Denmark, [5]Gnowangerup, [6]Jerramungup, [7]Katanning, [8]Kent, [9]Kojonup, [10]Plantagenet, [11]Ravensthorpe and [12]Woodanilling
please provide;


 1. Statistics (total numbers, sex and age) of aboriginal/indigenous youth
suicide incidents reported to WA Police Force.
 2. Statistics (total numbers, sex and age) of Non-/indigenous youth
suicide incidents reported to WA Police Force.
 3. The total number of aboriginal youth (under the age of 18) initially
charged with any criminal offence.
 4. The total number of aboriginal youth (under the age of 18) which
resulted in convictions (monetary penalty, order, community service,
detention, not proceeded with.) from the above mentioned charges.


In regards to your below point relating to ‘Youth Justice System’ and
guilty verdict statistics, these statistics would be held with the
Department of Justice (DOJ) or possibly with the individual applicable
courts that the matters were heard.  


 5. Total number, sex and age of Aboriginal youth engaged
(order/detention) with the justice system from the 1 January 2014 to
the 31 December 2024 (10 years) in the Great Southern regions being,
[13]Albany, [14]Broomehill,
Tambellup, [15]Cranbrook, [16]Denmark, [17]Gnowangerup, [18]Jerramungup, [19]Katanning, [20]Kent, [21]Kojonup, [22]Plantagenet, [23]Ravensthorpe and [24]Woodanilling


If I have interpreted point 5 correctly, I can either transfer the above
point to the Department of Justice, who will respond to you directly or
you can exclude this point from the scope of this FOI application and make
your own enquiries directly with the DOJ.


Please respond and advise if I have interpreted the scope of your FOI
application request correctly (as highlighted blue points 1-4)?


Also please confirm how you would like me to proceed in regards to points


Once your scope has been defined I can make contact with the relevant WA
Police Force area to check if we currently hold statistics in relation to
the agreed ambit.


Please also be aware that FOI does not ‘Create/Generate/populate’
statistics for the purpose of meeting/actioning/completing an FOI
application request.


We can only provide you with documents that currently exist/have/were
already generated in the past. If not document has ever been generated
that meets the scope of your request then it will be deemed that no
documents exist.


Please feel free to contact me on 6229 5914 if the above is unclear.


Kind regards,



Tegan D’Rozario | 87661 | Freedom of Information Officer

Public Access | Office of Information Management

Western Australia Police Force

T: (08) 6229 5914

E: [25]tegan.d’[email address] | W: [26]



show quoted sections

FOI Justice,

Good morning Ms Grist

Freedom of Information – Acknowledgement and Request for Extension

I refer to your Freedom of Information (FOI) application dated 13 January 2025, in which you request access to documents under the provisions to the Freedom of Information Act 1992 (FOI Act).

You have requested access to:

"Indigenous Suicide numbers by age and sex, and youth justice system engagement numbers by age and sex for Great Southern WA"

Due to a high number of staff shortages in addition to a large volume of information requests, there are currently significant delays in the processing of FOI applications. For this reason, an extension to 14 April 2025 is requested to process this application, though the Department will endeavour to process all FOI applications as soon as practicable.

The FOI team will continue working on your application to finalise your request within the extended timeframe, unless we receive your advice that you do not consent to the requested extension.

I appreciate your understanding.

Yours sincerely

Aurora Wilson | Information Release Support Officer – Freedom of Information | Corporate Services| Knowledge, Information and Technology
Department of Justice | Level 13, 140 William Street PERTH WA 6000
t: 9264 9874 | w:

NOTE: I work from Monday to Thursday.

[email signature block] Disclaimer: acknowledgement signature block

Disclaimer: The information contained in this e-mail may be private and personal or otherwise confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, any use, disclosure or copying of any part of the information is unauthorised. If you have received this e-mail in error, please inform the sender and delete the document.

Dear FOI Justice,

Thank you for the follow up. The response was unable to be fulfilled.

Yours sincerely,

Juliet Grist