Independent review and inquiry services provided by Emeritus Professor John McMillan
Dear Australian Public Service Commission,
FOI request
The following is a request for the purposes of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth).
Do not transfer this request to another agency
While it is highly improbable that the APSC would not have the requested documents (public information shows that the APSC engaged Emeritus Professor John McMillan to conduct the relevant work), if the APSC does not have the requested documents, please do not transfer this request to another agency.
If the requested documents are not in the control of the APSC, please dimply refuse access to the requested documents.
As to my right to elect whether I would like the APSC to deal with this request and not transfer it to another agency, I refer you to the Federal Court of Australia's judgment in Bienstein v Attorney-General [2007] FCA 1174, [38]. The law on the matter is settled and clear.
Part 1 of my FOI request
A contract was entered into, on 9 October 2024, with Emeritus Professor John McMillan so that the Professor would conduct an independent review - see contract CN4115721 on
Under the FOI Act 1982 (Cth), I request access to the following documents:
a) a copy of the contract entered into with Emeritus Professor John McMillan for the provision of services for the independent review; and
b) the terms of reference (howsoever described - e.g. brief, instructions, request etc.) for the independent review; and
c) the outcome of the review (e.g. by way of report, a statement of recommendations etc.).
Part 2 of my FOI request
A contract was entered into, on 29 November 2024, with Emeritus Professor John McMillan for the professor to prepare an inquiry report - see contract CN4123324 on
Under the FOI Act 1982 (Cth), I request access to the following documents:
a) the terms of reference (howsoever described - e.g. brief, instructions, request etc.) for the inquiry report for Emeritus Professor John McMillan to prepare; and
b) the inquiry report.
Yours faithfully,
OFFICIAL: Sensitive
Dear GIPAgoomar,
Thank you for contacting the Australian Public Service Commission
I am writing to acknowledge your FOI request dated 22 February 2025,
seeking access to documents relating to an independent review and an
inquiry report.
I am also writing to notify you that this request has been transferred to
the Merit Protection Commissioner (MPC) as of 27 February 2025. We note
and have taken into account that you asked for the request not to be
transferred, however the objects of the Freedom of Information Act 1982
(FOI Act) are to provide a right of access to documents. We consider this
can be done by transferring this request, in accordance with section 16 of
the FOI Act, to the appropriate agency (in this case the MPC).
The Australian Public Service Commissioner and the MPC are separate
agencies under the FOI Act, as “prescribed authority” in section 4 of the
FOI Act is a “person holding, or performing the duties of, an office
established by an enactment”. By transferring your FOI request, we seek to
facilitate your request and eliminate the need for you to make a new
request to MPC directly. Transfers of requests also provide a whole of
government approach to making information available to the public and, as
outlined in paragraph 3.59 of the Office of the Australian Information
Commissioner Freedom of Information Guidelines, allow the decision to be
made by the agency best placed to make an informed assessment about
disclosure of relevant documents.
MPC will be in touch with you regarding your request, and we will now
close this matter.
FOI Officer
Legal Services
Australian Public Service Commission
B Block, Treasury Building, Parkes Place West, PARKES ACT 2600
GPO Box 3176 CANBERRA ACT 2601
w: [1]
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OFFICIAL: Sensitive
Dear GIPAgoomar,
Freedom of Information Request
I refer to your request for access to documents under the Freedom of
Information Act 1982 received by the Merit Protection Commissioner on 27
February 2025 on transfer under section 16 from the Australian Public
Service Commission.
You have asked for documents by return email to you as follows:
‘Part 1 of my FOI request
A contract was entered into, on 9 October 2024, with Emeritus Professor
John McMillan so that the Professor would conduct an independent review -
see contract CN4115721 on
Under the FOI Act 1982 (Cth), I request access to the following documents:
a) a copy of the contract entered into with Emeritus Professor John
McMillan for the provision of services for the independent review; and
b) the terms of reference (howsoever described - e.g. brief, instructions,
request etc.) for the independent review; and
c) the outcome of the review (e.g. by way of report, a statement of
recommendations etc.).
Part 2 of my FOI request
A contract was entered into, on 29 November 2024, with Emeritus Professor
John McMillan for the professor to prepare an inquiry report - see
contract CN4123324 on
Under the FOI Act 1982 (Cth), I request access to the following documents:
a) the terms of reference (howsoever described - e.g. brief, instructions,
request etc.) for the inquiry report for Emeritus Professor John McMillan
to prepare; and
b) the inquiry report.’
The APSC received your request on 22 February 2025 and the 30 day
statutory period for processing your request commenced from the day after
that date. Whilst the period of 30 days may be extended as we will need
to consult third parties and can also be extended for other reasons, I
would expect to finalise this request by 22 March 2025. I will advise you
if the extension for consultations impacts this date.
Information released under the FOI Act may later be published online on
our disclosure log, [1]FOI Disclosure Log | Merit Protection
Commissioner , subject to certain exceptions. (For example, personal
information will not be published where this would be unreasonable).
I will contact you using the email address you provided. Please advise if
you would prefer us to use an alternative means of contact. If you have
any questions, please contact me by return email.
Yours sincerely
Authorised FOI Decision Maker of the Merit Protection Commissioner
Merit Protection Commissioner
PO Box 20636 World Square Post Office, SYDNEY NSW 2002
w: [3]
t: 02 8239 5330
[4]MPC logo_Colour
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