In regards to the Consultation on the Transparency of Higher Education Admissions Processes
To: The FOI Contact Officer
Department of Tertiary Education
Dear FOI Contact Officer,
On your department's web-site, you requested submissions to the Higher Education Standards Panel on transparency for admissions. I thought maybe the submissions would have gotten published but they have not been.
I request access under administrative arrangements, if possible, to a copy of each submission. If it is not possible to give access under administrative
arrangements please tell me but please don't treat this request as
an FOI request at this stage.
Thank you.
P. Gale (Mrs)
June 14th, 2016.
Dear Mrs Gale
Thank you for your inquiry to the department’s Freedom of Information team
and for your submission to the Higher Education Standards Panel’s
consultation on the transparency of higher education admissions processes.
As you may be aware, the Australian Government is currently in a
‘caretaker role’ in the lead-up to the federal election on 2 July. During
this period, new material is generally not published on government
It is our intention to make public all of the submissions to the
consultation on admissions transparency when the caretaker period is over
– i.e. once there is a clear result from the election and the returning or
new government is sworn in.
Publishing material of this nature is likely to attract media attention to
the various view expressed, which could potentially be drawn into the
politics of the election. The caretaker conventions require that such
risks be managed by government departments.
There is nothing to prevent submitters from publishing or circulating
their own submissions, however.
I hope this information is of assistance.
Kind regards
Steve Erskine
Director, Higher Education System Design and Quality
Australian Government Department of Education and Training
Opportunity through learning
Dear Mr Erskine,
It is the submissions of other respondents to the consultation, not our own submission, that interested us but the effect of the Australian election had not entered our thinking.
Thank your for the information.
P. Gale (Mrs)
June 18th, 2016.
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