Dear Australian Federal Police,

I am after all documents, including but not limited to, communication, file notes, memos, reports, minutes relating to the illumination of the the Parliament House in blue and white on the 9th October 2023.

Yours faithfully,


Dear Australian Federal Police,

The FOI act requires an acknowledgment within 14 days of receiving the request.

Please acknowledge you have received my request.

Yours faithfully,


FOI, Australian Federal Police


Dear Moe,

Thank you for your below email to the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and
apologies for the delay in providing a response.

We have conducted preliminary searches in regards to your request and have
been advised the AFP has no involvement nor holds any documents regarding
the blue and white illumination of Parliament House on the 09/10/2023.


From our internal searches,  it appears the illumination of Parliament
House was done by Parliament regarding the conflict in Gaza as per their
[1]press release.

Based on the above, could you please advise if you wish to withdraw your


Please contact the FOI team if you have any questions.

FOI team.


-----Original Message-----

From: Moe <[FOI #10787 email]>

Sent: Tuesday, 24 October 2023 7:11 PM

To: FOI <[email address]>

Subject: Freedom of Information request - Illumination of Parliament House


Dear Australian Federal Police,


I am after all documents, including but not limited to, communication,
file notes, memos, reports, minutes relating to the illumination of the
the Parliament House in blue and white on the 9th October 2023.


Yours faithfully,






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